Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Age is a Number

Grow old with Me

Sagging, dry skin and dark brown age spots,
Getting older has changed my body a lot,
Wrinkles and rolls, a so-called muffin top,
Menopause with hot flashes that just won’t stop!
A fanny that’s flat and arms that are flabby,
Eyesight has failed me, and insomnia makes me crabby,
With extraneous hair growing off of my chin,
I’m feeling quite bloated, while years ago I felt thin,
My knees are achy, and it hurts to bend,
Ladders and staircases are no longer my friend,
My memory is faulty; I can’t think of a word,
I stop talking mid-sentence; It is really absurd,
High blood pressure and cholesterol are problems for me,
My apple does not fall far from my family tree,
Exercise and diet, lose some weight, I am told,
It gets harder and harder as I grow old,
Just let me complain, if it makes me feel better,
I’ll just sit in my rocking chair and knit me a sweater,
Or I could go outside, take a walk, eat a salad,
Grow old gracefully, that would be valid,
Try my best not to let age be a factor,
Be proactive about life and not a reactor,
I find myself hating the way that I look,
But I can’t turn back the pages of my storybook,
I am older and wiser, so all is fair,
Age is just a number, so I must be aware,
If I love myself on the inside, then the outside is swell,
Will I age gracefully?  Only time will tell.

Tammy Harvey   Written:  2/21/2019

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