This is a true story of what is happening behind my house as the town is proceeding to put a greenway path where once a forest stood.
The Greenway (Under Construction)
Like dinosaurs from another time, the yellow jaws of the
machinery loomed,
Heavy equipment moving into the neighborhood: Every tree was doomed,
They clear-cut a wooded area with mighty oaks that were healthy
and strong,
I couldn’t help but think that their decision was so very
For 30 years, we’ve watched these trees grow right where
they were standing,
Now they fall without regard, with a loud “thud” they are
It breaks my heart to see them go, all in the name of progress,
A walking path to be had… but now there is no forest!
It is “To better the community”, we were told by our growing
“If you don’t like it, you could have sold; the trees are
coming down”,
The backyard we raised our children in now has such
different scenery,
A busy road and traffic light, no greenery, just machinery!
In time, I am sure the wounds will heal, and we will
appreciate the path,
But how long will it take to grow trees that looked just like
Not in my lifetime…I must say, it really is a pity,
Questionable sacrifices are being made for the benefit of our
Enormous concrete pipes are being hauled even as I write,
A constant reminder of destruction is always within sight,
Yellow earth-moving machines are working when I wake up each
And I hear them before I see them, and smell the soured thick
red clay,
Change is inevitable; I don’t question that is true,
But the mighty oaks are sadly missed and even the pine trees
Make way for the greenway: an exercise opportunity for the townspeople,
Nothing will
replace the thick green forest that stood tall like a church’s steeple.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 5/15/2019