Tuesday, June 4, 2019

At a Standstill

For the past year, I've only been posting once a week, every Tuesday.  Currently, I  have posted everything I have written thus far.  If you don't see a post for the next couple of weeks, know that I am writing and will continue posting as soon as possible.
Thanks for your patience...

Help!  My blog is catching up to me,
I have no more poems to post, you see,
I was so far ahead with poems scheduled to post,
After posting over 270, there is no time to boast,
I must write, write, write, and write I must,
Before my poem blog bites the proverbial dust,
I guess I’ve been busy, or lazy or uninspired,
I did not realize so much time had transpired,
Now I am left with cobwebs in my head,
And a dusty keyboard, blank pages instead,
I want to write more, if my brain will comply,
I’ve been yearning to write; interject a big sigh,
What happened to pouring out of me like water?
The clay is there, but where is the potter?
My words are frozen like a glacier of ice,
To write in rhyme again would really be nice,
I plan to produce more poems; that is the scoop,
Otherwise, I will feel like a nincompoop,
So be on alert; Don’t give up on me now,
I promise to write more, some way and somehow!

Tammy Harvey
Written:  5/16/2019

1 comment:

  1. Continue, continue! It's a gift you see. I'll be sad if there's no more blogging to read!
