Sign up at to get email or text alerts of viewing opportunities for the ISS at your location, weather permitting. You should give it a try. It is fascinating. This is an example of the information provided:
Date: Fri May 17, 10:17 PM
Visible: 6 min
Max Height: 45 degrees
Appears: 10 degrees above WSW
Disappears: 10 degrees above NE
A Sight to Behold
Did you know you could stand on Earth and watch the space
shuttle in flight?
Among the stars, a bright shiny dot speeds through the
dark night,
The trajectory, date/time allowed me to stand in my cul-de-sac
and view,
An ongoing space mission; a space shuttle, so incredible as
it flew,
It was visible to me for an entire 6 minutes as it traversed
the sky,
An unbelievable experience that you should really try,
The International Space Station has been orbiting since
To watch it from horizon to horizon is incredibly great,
On a clear night, just stand and wait, with the right
NASA can alert you when and where to look from your
Its speed is at least 17,500 mph just to remain in orbit,
It is so intriguing; it is hard to absorb it,
Astronauts in flight every night above our heads,
We don’t acknowledge them, tucked in our soft, warm beds,
The technology that put them there is more than I can comprehend,
It is a small part of your day you might want to spend,
Staring up into space for an extraordinary sight,
The International Space Station as it flies through the night.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 5/18/2019
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