Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Comfort Zone

Have you ever noticed how everyone desires the front row at a theater or ballgame, but the back row at church or in school?

Front Row Seat

I, being vertically challenged*, always chose to sit front row in a classroom,
(Those seats were always available, not the choice seats, I presume),
Otherwise, I couldn’t see and sometime couldn’t hear what was being taught,
I listened well and fervently took notes into the notebook that I brought,
Then one American History class in high school changed my whole perspective,
We were seated alphabetically, by last name; how rudely ineffective!
For the first time in my life, I was seated in the back,
It seemed miles away from the teacher; I was completely off-track,
It was necessary to copy the lesson from the chalkboard, but alas,
I could not read a word of it, like the others in my class,
I looked around and everyone was writing so intently,
 “You can see that?” I whispered, tapping a girl’s shoulder gently,
To me it all seemed out of focus and totally unclear,
Was I losing my eyesight? …  that was my fear!
Well, my eyesight was poor; I was near-sighted, in fact,
And I had to get glasses when I moved to the back,
I would not have known that based on my choice of seat,
But I still prefer the front, it makes my experience complete,
I don’t have to look past big heads that are tall,
Or get distracted for no reason at all,
Sitting in the front row may seem really lame,
But I like it there; it’s my comfort zone, just the same.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Day-by- Day

This poem is dedicated to a friend of mine who recently went to rehab and is currently 45+ days sober.

Someone once defined success to me as “Doing more than you need to, before you are asked to, not because you have to, but because you want to”.


What does it mean to be successful?
Is it a sense of pride that makes your breast full?
Is it money, power or fame?
Is it winning the championship game?
Success may mean different things to everyone,
But to me it is an accomplishment, an effort that is done,
To the completion of a goal,
A testament to the tenacity of your soul,
It may be small and insignificant to those looking from the outside in,
While it is enormously gratifying to your heart within,
Anytime you triumph over an obstacle in your way,
It is a success- when you learn to overcome, it’s a brand-new day,
Success does not always correlate with becoming prosperous or wealthy,
It can be putting one foot in front of the other, keeping yourself healthy,
As healthy as you can, under your control,
Success is day-by-day, to achieve the ultimate goal,
If you struggle with alcoholism and rehabilitation is your aim,
Or any other addiction that I could readily name,
The first step is the biggest, but take that one step,
Then another and another- it’s okay to ask for help,
Success begins with a mindset, a determination to succeed,
If you really want to succeed, nothing else can ever impede,
Encouragement and support from others, of course, is a huge part,
But the decision to succeed is yours from the very start.
You can do it! You know who you are,
I am counting on you to go really far!

Tammy Harvey
Written:  10/6/2019

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


The True Transformer

Remember the toys your kids had or maybe your brother?
The ones that could change from one thing to another,
A flip, a twist or turn, moving parts near and far,
Caused a toy that once was a robot to become a car,
They were called transformers and were literally two-in-one,
Intriguing, complex, but most of all, just fun,
How can something transform into something else?
And who is the transformer that is the very best?
God is the true Transformer; that is for certain,
He takes us and transforms us into a new person,
The old is gone though, never to return,
Unlike the toy, we transform, but the lesson is stern:
We don’t go back, like a two-in-one; we remain transformed,
Romans 12:2 warns us not to the world be conformed,
But be transformed by the renewing of our mind,
Then a discerning of God’s will, we will find,
God, the true Transformer; His will is perfect,
Seek God’s will and pray for wisdom to detect it,
The plans He has made for us through transformation,
Are often an amazing revelation!

Tammy Harvey
Written:  9/6/2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What a Treasure!

Dutch Doll Quilt

Tiny pieces of cotton cloth cut into a particular shape,
The seamstress was careful; No minuscule detail would escape,
Small prints, brightly colored, and solids mixed in to match,
All cut precisely to the pattern until there was a batch,
A batch of Dutch doll clothing for a quilt made by a matron,
The girl doll:  A bonnet, a dress, arms and legs, with maybe a pretty apron,
The boy doll:  A hat, overalls, a back pocket, arms and feet,
Strategically sewn to form blocks, until each one was complete,
My grandmother made each first great-grandchild a crib-sized quilt,
Dutch doll style, as described; an heirloom is what she built,
I have one given to me at my eldest son’s birth,
No amount of money would determine its incredible worth,
There was love sewn into it with each and every stitch of thread,
It is truly remarkable and “you only get one” is what she said,
The tradition is long gone with my grandmother’s passing,
But she left a legacy behind that no one is surpassing,
A thoughtfully, handmade quilt for a new baby- what a treasure!
And to make them all herself was her absolute pleasure,
Each of us should create an heirloom to pass along,
It could be a piece of artwork, a writing or even a song,
A special, sincere gift to the next generation,
Get busy creating your legacy, without hesitation.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  9/6/2019

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

From Point A to Point B

Enjoy the Journey

In getting from point A to point B,
It’s fastest to go in a straight line, honestly,
Getting there fast and efficiently is the goal,
With no delays; It’s becomes a footrace, not a stroll,
The destination is the focus of our scurry,
Point B is where we want to be in a hurry,
With blinders on we push squarely ahead,
Ignoring sights and sounds while the light is red,
Green light, Go! That’s the attitude we take,
Pedal to the metal, take the foot off the brake,
We’ve got to get to where we are going; no really, it is true,
No time to stop and take in the beautiful scenic view,
It’s the journey, not the destination; why can’t we see?
It’s like we can’t see the forest through all the trees,
Stop!  Enjoy the journey.  It’s the most important part,
Getting there is half the fun; Don’t put the horse before the cart!
Destinations are on the map, but each journey is unique,
Make the journey your ultimate goal and your happiness will peak,
Getting from point A to B may have lots of twists and turns,
With unexpected delights and unpredictable returns,
The journey will be the delicious cake you can eat nonstop,
You will find the destination is just the cherry on the top!

Tammy Harvey
Written:  9/3/2019