Tuesday, October 1, 2019

From Point A to Point B

Enjoy the Journey

In getting from point A to point B,
It’s fastest to go in a straight line, honestly,
Getting there fast and efficiently is the goal,
With no delays; It’s becomes a footrace, not a stroll,
The destination is the focus of our scurry,
Point B is where we want to be in a hurry,
With blinders on we push squarely ahead,
Ignoring sights and sounds while the light is red,
Green light, Go! That’s the attitude we take,
Pedal to the metal, take the foot off the brake,
We’ve got to get to where we are going; no really, it is true,
No time to stop and take in the beautiful scenic view,
It’s the journey, not the destination; why can’t we see?
It’s like we can’t see the forest through all the trees,
Stop!  Enjoy the journey.  It’s the most important part,
Getting there is half the fun; Don’t put the horse before the cart!
Destinations are on the map, but each journey is unique,
Make the journey your ultimate goal and your happiness will peak,
Getting from point A to B may have lots of twists and turns,
With unexpected delights and unpredictable returns,
The journey will be the delicious cake you can eat nonstop,
You will find the destination is just the cherry on the top!

Tammy Harvey
Written:  9/3/2019

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