Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What a Treasure!

Dutch Doll Quilt

Tiny pieces of cotton cloth cut into a particular shape,
The seamstress was careful; No minuscule detail would escape,
Small prints, brightly colored, and solids mixed in to match,
All cut precisely to the pattern until there was a batch,
A batch of Dutch doll clothing for a quilt made by a matron,
The girl doll:  A bonnet, a dress, arms and legs, with maybe a pretty apron,
The boy doll:  A hat, overalls, a back pocket, arms and feet,
Strategically sewn to form blocks, until each one was complete,
My grandmother made each first great-grandchild a crib-sized quilt,
Dutch doll style, as described; an heirloom is what she built,
I have one given to me at my eldest son’s birth,
No amount of money would determine its incredible worth,
There was love sewn into it with each and every stitch of thread,
It is truly remarkable and “you only get one” is what she said,
The tradition is long gone with my grandmother’s passing,
But she left a legacy behind that no one is surpassing,
A thoughtfully, handmade quilt for a new baby- what a treasure!
And to make them all herself was her absolute pleasure,
Each of us should create an heirloom to pass along,
It could be a piece of artwork, a writing or even a song,
A special, sincere gift to the next generation,
Get busy creating your legacy, without hesitation.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  9/6/2019

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