The “Sometimes”
Sometimes it rains when the sun is out, I don’t know why,
But it creates a fantastic rainbow across the sky,
Sometimes when all is quiet you can hear the silence,
Stop and savor it, away from the hate and violence,
Sometimes all it takes it a hug to free your soul,
When the world seems to be spinning out of control,
Sometimes you smile when your heart is breaking,
To keep others from knowing how bad you are aching,
Sometimes you wish upon a distant star,
And dream of carrying moonbeams home in a jar,
Sometimes time creeps along at a leisurely pace,
And at other times, it speeds by like a NASCAR race,
Sometimes the simplest things are easy to overlook,
And you learn more from life than from a textbook,
Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose,
But you learn to get up, dust off, and stop singing the
Sometimes the grass looks greener on the other side,
Until you get to the other side and see the grass has all
Sometimes the biggest thing you can do is be humble,
Pride and greed are designed to make you stumble,
Sometimes the road less taken is the hardest to travel,
Because it isn’t paved; it’s all dusty and gravel,
Sometimes it may be tempting to make the wrong choice,
But you are stronger than you think, my friend, so rejoice!
Rejoice in the “sometimes”: the good and the bad,
Be thankful and blessed by the “sometimes” you’ve had.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 11/19/2020