Juno wishes on a Star
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and Juno was there,
A hot pink stocking cap covering her beautiful hair,
The stars in the sky were bright and clear,
She hoped the pandemic’s end would be near,
Then Jupiter and Saturn aligned after 800 long years,
Creating a brilliant “Bethlehem” star, which melted her
A “Star of Wonder” in 2020,
Bringing Joy to the World, when there wasn’t any,
A glimmer of hope, on a Silent Night,
Juno was energized to continue to fight,
Though she was weary with pandemic fatigue,
It was a sign of hope, of peace, of intrigue,
With a warmness in her heart, she put on a smile,
Thinking, things will be better, in a little while,
She wants to exclaim about this Christmas light,
“Christmas Blessings to all and to all a Good Night!”
Tammy Harvey
Written: 12/10/2020