Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Don't Get Sick


Flu Season

The season is here for getting the flu,

Headache and fever, and frequent “achoo”!

Congestion and cough, feeling miserable and weak,

Body aches and pains, it is nothing unique,

If not the flu, then a new strain of covid is lurking,

Have no fear, the vaccination is working?

Common colds and viruses are also widespread,

Some days it is better just to stay in bed!

But bed is where the sick are found,

So better get up and move around,

Cough in your elbow and sneeze into a tissue,

And don’t let anyone try to kiss you,

Wear a mask, that’s an option,

Drink your mama’s concoction,

Do whatever you need to do,

To try and avoid the flu!

Tammy Harvey


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