Monday, November 6, 2023

Rushawn Sings



Recently a song went viral on social media, by a young Jamaican boy,

The lyrics are very simple, but the meaning brings so much joy,

Rushawn sings “Beautiful Day” with confidence and heart,

He probably doesn’t know of all the inspiration he will impart,

He sings of thankfulness and humility, in a pure voice,

His words resonate that appreciation is a choice,

He thanks God for sunshine, He thanks Him for rain,

He thanks Him for joy, and he thanks Him for pain,

Thankful in all circumstances is the message that he shares,

Which brings about an internal peace without compare,

There is a reason for a season of sunshine, a reason for rain,

A reason for joy and a reason for pain,

A bigger picture, a divine and eternal plan,

Be thankful in all circumstances if you can,

Someday we will know the reason for all things, good and bad,

There is no time to be disheartened and sad,

Just remember what Rushawn sings:  It’s a Beautiful Day,

In God’s timing, everything is going to be okay.

Tammy Harvey


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