Thursday, November 3, 2016


There are days that are just better than others.  Someday they will all be the best days.

The Best Days
There are days that I like best,
When worries are far away at rest,
When heartache is a forgotten dream,
When all is well, or so it seems,
My soul is at peace and my mind is clear,
My heart is open and my God is near,
I can feel a calming in myself,
Then I know that I am blessed,
My anxiety is miles away,
As I sit and quietly pray,
Someday it will be eternally so,
This I truly, truly know,
“Be still and know that I am God”,
He implores me to His side,
“Come to me, and I will give you rest”,
These are the days that I like best.

Tammy Harvey 
 written:  8/9/2016

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