Thursday, November 17, 2016

Woe is Me

This poem is based on a true story...

What to do

Woe is me,
I got no tv,
My husband cancelled the cable,
I tried and tried but could not connect,
My internet is also disabled,
Oh my, oh my,
I almost could cry,
What will I do now without it?
I could read, I could sew, but I just don’t know,
It seems that I can’t live without it!
It is only 7 o’clock and not even dark,
“What were you thinking?” is my only remark!
There’s no one at home not even our dog,
I could visit a neighbor or write my own blog,
I could take a long bubble bath and soak in the tub,
I could clean up the house and the floors I could scrub,
I could do crafts in my pjs and great things I could make,
I could bake cookies, or brownies, or even a cake,
I could listen to music in quiet solitude,
I could raid the pantry and eat all of the food,
I could lie on the couch, aww, I could lie in the recliner,
I could sit there for hours and nothing is finer,
No Pinterest, no Google, no emails, no tweet,
Oh, but the sound of silence is sweet.
So I guess you might say I’ve got nothing to do,
But that’s okay with me, how about you?

Tammy Harvey
written:  6/27/14

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