Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Old-fashioned conversation

  What has happened to good old-fashioned conversation?

 Our voice to Speak? 
Text, Text, Text,
Type, type, type,
Is it really worth the hype?
Tweet, tweet, tweet,
Should we meet?
We don’t have the time to do so,
Cellphones go wherever we go,
We can quickly communicate,
Don’t even need to hesitate,
Posting Instagram is better,
We don’t even mail a letter,
Sending Snapchat photographs,
Arriving to us, just like that,
Checking email and our Facebook,
Always tempted to take a quick look,
Social media has its place,
Big advancements since MySpace,
Watch a video:   Youtube, Vine,
Goggle anything on our mind,
Pin it, Blog it, we have power,
Getting “on-line” at any hour,
If the internet were gone today,
Would we remember what to say?
Could we use our voice to speak?
Or would we just be shy and meek?

Tammy Harvey  written: 6/23/2014

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