Thursday, April 13, 2017

God's Plan of Salvation

Good Friday being tomorrow, I thought it was an appropriate time to share my poem about God's son, Jesus Christ.

God’s Son

Go ahead, tell everyone,
Jesus really is God’s son,
Immaculate conception, you must believe,
The Virgin Mary did conceive,
Jesus is God, but fully man,
He came to earth to fulfill His plan,
His Father in Heaven sent Him with resolve,
He knew His fate, our lives to absolve,
He lived on earth for thirty-three years,
He walked, He breathed, and He cried tears,
He lived a life without sin,
The devil tempted Him, but did not win,
He performed miracles; He rose Lazarus from the dead,
He spoke in parables; carefully choosing what He said,
He made disciples, but when others denied Him,
He was accused of blasphemy, and they tried Him,
He could have resisted, but took all the pain,
He suffered and died for all of us to gain,
By dying for us, He was the ultimate sacrifice,
For the sins of the world, He paid the real price,
Taking the sins of the world and atoning them all,
He gave us a gift of salvation, but He took the fall,
Then He sent the Holy Spirit, because the plan wasn’t done,
The Trinity, Father, Son & Spirit, Three in One,
The Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts, when we ask him in,
We are all sinners, and we all sin, again and again,
But with faith in Jesus, our sins are forgiven,
He extends amazing grace to all of the living,
If we confess and repent sincerely in prayers,
Each day is a new day, new mercies He shares,
The slate is wiped clean, whiter than snow,
God’s Son is Jesus, just thought you should know.
Tammy Harvey
Written:  February 5, 2017

But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8

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