Pollination Frustration
Itch, itch, itch,
This pollen is like a wicked witch,
It swoops down from the trees above,
And yellows everything I love,
Itch, itch, itch,
My throat and eyes,
Keeps me sneezing, I despise,
I really, really hate to say it,
But I must thankfully tolerate it,
If it weren’t for pollination,
There’d be no flower propagation,
Still, I can’t wait to hose it down,
Let the rain fall on this town!
Itch, itch, itch,
Allergies abound,
But oh, what happens on the ground,
Spring has sprung with all its beauty,
Worker bees have extra duty,
So, itch, itch, itch, sneeze; if I must,
It is only temporary; I won’t make a fuss!
Tammy Harvey
Written: 4/24/2016
I'm not a pollen fan! Just saying...