Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Two Ears, One Mouth

Maybe this year if everyone vowed to listen twice as much as they talked, the world would be a better place.  I think my biggest pet peeves are dishonesty and the perpetuation of gossip.

Taming the Tongue

Though small like a spark, the tongue of a liar,
Can engulf a situation like a raging fire,
There is a mighty sword in the wielding of the tongue,
Hurtful words are piercing like darts that are flung,
The tongue though small, is a powerful tool,
Excessive talking can prove someone a fool,
Open mouth, insert foot, a common mistake,
Kind words are ones that will never forsake,
Use words for building up and never tearing down,
Keep your head above water, mouth closed, lest you drown,
Speak in haste and the damage is already done,
Use your ears, not your voice, and half the battle is won,
The untamed tongue causes malice to spread,
If you need to bite your tongue, then go ahead,
Arguing, insulting, cursing words are inept,
If you want to see where your allegiance is kept,
Look no further than what spews from your lips,
Sarcasm and jokes are not only quips,
Sometimes they too are daggers that jab and destroy,
Social media is misused to purposefully annoy,
Hiding in cyberspace like a fugitive on the run,
A hater with words can fire shots like a gun,
And no one can see him or hold him accountable,
His words could go viral, His fame insurmountable,
Rumors, lies, deceit and the perpetuation of these,
Are hard to eradicate, like a cancerous disease,
Healing words of comfort, genuinely spoken,
Are a honeycomb of goodness, not just a polite token.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  11/6/2018

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Garbage Man

Happy Birthday to Me! 59 years young today!
My Birthday present came a month early (below).

The Garbage Man

I was in a long line at Bojangles’ drive-thru this morning,
If I stay here, I’ll be late, I thought, yawning,
Then a loud noise woke me out of my thinking,
A huge garbage truck was beside me; with flashers blinking,
The driver was ready to empty the dumpster in front of me,
I had to get out of his way; my new car was in jeopardy!
But he jumped out of his truck with a big smile on his face,
He nodded at me as if to say: “I’ve got plenty of space”,
He practically bounced over to the open the gates to the bin,
He had a certain spring in his step, a joy that only comes from within,
He waved at me as he got back in his truck to move on,
He was a garbage man, but for him, it was fun,
He found joy in his work, and it was evident to see,
He set an example for you and especially for me,
A gentleman you’d want to stop and talk to,
He reminded me of someone I already knew,
He was what I needed to see on that exact day,
I knew I was there for that, so I drove away,
It wasn’t the food I was meant to receive,
But the joy-giving spirit of a stranger, I believe,
I sobbed and I smiled because he was so like my love,
Who was probably looking down from above.
Please stop to notice small happenings around you,
You may find a hidden blessing without meaning to,
Better yet, be that person who sets the example,
The opportunities are there, and the joy is ample!
That day I received a blessing from someone who didn’t even know,
How much he caused my heart to grow.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  12/22/2018

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Determination to go on

It takes determination to go on when your entire life is completely changed by an untimely death.  I feel like the best way to honor my husband is to live on, with purpose and accomplishment.

I Can and I Will

When at times you feel discounted,
Your wheels are turning, but your ability is doubted,
You want to be assertive and prove yourself capable,
You want to build confidence in knowing you are able,
Naysayers will try to pull you down,
Plant your feet firmly on the ground,
You may be stronger than you think you are,
Your wheels are turning, and you may go far,
Believe in yourself, the naysayers will see,
You have a lot of moxie and even though they disagree,
When it is all said and done, you will feel yourself accomplished,
You will begin to feel empowered, and they will be astonished,
Believe in your heart: “I can and I will”,
Not with arrogance, but with strength to persevere,
With determination your wheels will keep on turning,
You are constantly evolving and always learning,
Yes, the wheels are turning and you will find,
Success may depend on your state of mind,
Just believe in yourself, and the naysayers will too,
It is a noble and satisfying thing to do,
You may surprise yourself with the skills you possess,
I have surprised myself, I confess.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  11/11/2018

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Love Him to the Moon and Back

My grandson just turned two years old last week.  He is growing so fast...

Let Me Brag

My grandson is glad with the little things,
We should all be so happy at the joy they bring:
The train on the tracks as it travels by,
A cape that makes him want to fly,
A rock that is smooth and fits his hand,
A leaf, some sticks, shoveling some sand,
A few sparkling lights on the neighbor’s lawn,
A toy monkey in his crib when he wakes at dawn,
It is fun to see him discover all things new,
Things we take for granted, me and you,
He is sweet; He is innocent; He is curious and smart.
He is growing up so fast; He warms my heart,
He has an imagination that can take him anywhere,
He said “Amen” after the Thanksgiving prayer,
He is a bundle of energy and full of charm,
He kisses the boo-boo on my arm,
I love him to the moon and back again,
My love will only wax and never wane for him.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  11/26/2018

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Redesign of Mine

Maybe my New Year's Resolution should be to do no DIY projects this year!!!

DIY Project

Have you ever noticed when you take wallpaper off the wall?
The top layer comes off, but you are not done at all,
There’s another layer of very thin, sticky paper underneath,
It’s like taking the skin off a grape with your teeth,
It is a challenge to remove, but one I will take on,
In fact, I have found the activity to be a therapeutic one,
Labor intensive, but oh what a relief,
To remove the 1990’s decorative motif,
When we put it up, it was pure joy and excitement,
Taking it down, offers its own type of delightment,
A fresh coat of paint and a new look is mine,
But wait, there is more work to do for this redesign,
After the sticky paper is gone completely, it’s true,
A light sanding is necessary to smooth the remnants of glue,
Patch a hole or two in the sheet rock, always the case,
Now there is a “why did I start this?” look on my face,
My do-it-yourself project is becoming a pain in the backside,
I can’t give up now though; I still have my pride,
Up and down the ladder is cardio, right?
I may not win a prize, but I won’t lose this fight!
I can see the finish line; it’s out there, I think,
I need a glass of wine, but I don’t even drink,
Just a few more hurdles, and my project is done,
The primer, then paint…what could be more fun?

Tammy Harvey
Written:  10/31/2018