It takes determination to go on when your entire life is completely changed by an untimely death. I feel like the best way to honor my husband is to live on, with purpose and accomplishment.
I Can and I Will
When at times you feel discounted,
Your wheels are turning, but your ability is doubted,
You want to be assertive and prove yourself capable,
You want to build confidence in knowing you are able,
Naysayers will try to pull you down,
Plant your feet firmly on the ground,
You may be stronger than you think you are,
Your wheels are turning, and you may go far,
Believe in yourself, the naysayers will see,
You have a lot of moxie and even though they disagree,
When it is all said and done, you will feel yourself accomplished,
You will begin to feel empowered, and they will be astonished,
Believe in your heart: “I can and I will”,
Not with arrogance, but with strength to persevere,
With determination your wheels will keep on turning,
You are constantly evolving and always learning,
Yes, the wheels are turning and you will find,
Success may depend on your state of mind,
Just believe in yourself, and the naysayers will too,
It is a noble and satisfying thing to do,
You may surprise yourself with the skills you possess,
I have surprised myself, I confess.
Tammy Harvey
Written: 11/11/2018
And you are....😘😘😘