Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Garbage Man

Happy Birthday to Me! 59 years young today!
My Birthday present came a month early (below).

The Garbage Man

I was in a long line at Bojangles’ drive-thru this morning,
If I stay here, I’ll be late, I thought, yawning,
Then a loud noise woke me out of my thinking,
A huge garbage truck was beside me; with flashers blinking,
The driver was ready to empty the dumpster in front of me,
I had to get out of his way; my new car was in jeopardy!
But he jumped out of his truck with a big smile on his face,
He nodded at me as if to say: “I’ve got plenty of space”,
He practically bounced over to the open the gates to the bin,
He had a certain spring in his step, a joy that only comes from within,
He waved at me as he got back in his truck to move on,
He was a garbage man, but for him, it was fun,
He found joy in his work, and it was evident to see,
He set an example for you and especially for me,
A gentleman you’d want to stop and talk to,
He reminded me of someone I already knew,
He was what I needed to see on that exact day,
I knew I was there for that, so I drove away,
It wasn’t the food I was meant to receive,
But the joy-giving spirit of a stranger, I believe,
I sobbed and I smiled because he was so like my love,
Who was probably looking down from above.
Please stop to notice small happenings around you,
You may find a hidden blessing without meaning to,
Better yet, be that person who sets the example,
The opportunities are there, and the joy is ample!
That day I received a blessing from someone who didn’t even know,
How much he caused my heart to grow.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  12/22/2018

1 comment:

  1. I remember you telling me this. Beautifully written. I'm glad that day, you came across this hidden blessing.
