Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Love Him to the Moon and Back

My grandson just turned two years old last week.  He is growing so fast...

Let Me Brag

My grandson is glad with the little things,
We should all be so happy at the joy they bring:
The train on the tracks as it travels by,
A cape that makes him want to fly,
A rock that is smooth and fits his hand,
A leaf, some sticks, shoveling some sand,
A few sparkling lights on the neighbor’s lawn,
A toy monkey in his crib when he wakes at dawn,
It is fun to see him discover all things new,
Things we take for granted, me and you,
He is sweet; He is innocent; He is curious and smart.
He is growing up so fast; He warms my heart,
He has an imagination that can take him anywhere,
He said “Amen” after the Thanksgiving prayer,
He is a bundle of energy and full of charm,
He kisses the boo-boo on my arm,
I love him to the moon and back again,
My love will only wax and never wane for him.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  11/26/2018

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