Tuesday, October 20, 2020

A Bird in the Hand


Say it Isn’t So

Ever wonder where the old sayings you’ve heard for years originated?

Why they stood the test of time and weren’t outdated?

For instance, “it’s raining cats and dogs”,

Why wouldn’t it rain toads and frogs?

How did these sayings come to be?

Like “The apple doesn’t’ fall far from the tree”,

Or “Tighter than Dick’s hatband”,

And why is a bird in the bush worth half as much as in the hand?

“Heavens to Betsy” or “For Pete’s Sake”, I must exclaim,

Are these actual people or just a name?

Why is the old owl always the wise one?

And why is a "barrel of monkeys" so much fun?

How can one be “a sight for sore eyes”?

“Don’t cry over spilled milk!”, they advise,

“Turning over a new leaf” does not compute,

“Fit as a fiddle”: why not “as fit as a flute”?

“Pardon my French” is commonly heard,

Why is certain information told by a “little bird”?

One can see why my curiosity is piqued,

Some of the old sayings are genuinely unique,

Going to “hell in a hand basket”, should be spoken aplenty,

Because it perfectly describes the year 2020.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  10/8/2020

1 comment:

  1. Tammy, this was great. I too question some of these sayings and your humor demonstrates greatness!
