Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Road Trip Surprise


Long Drive- Well Worth It

From my house to my parents’ house is a 365-mile drive,

Recently, I drove that trip unaccompanied, and in 6.5 hours did arrive,

I did not tell them I was on my way,

Or that I was coming for a brief stay,

Thus, they were surprised when the doorbell I rang,

Maybe not a good idea, but from the side of the door I sprang,

Each of my parents are octogenarian, and each has a heart condition,

So, it may have been risky to put them in that position,

But the surprise kept my mother from worrying about me driving alone,

And when I arrived, she was speaking with my sister on the phone,

My sister, of course, was aware of the entire plan,

She also was arriving the next day to complete our clan,

Dad and Mom had 2 daughters, you see,

Eighteen months apart, my sister and me,

It was their 40th wedding Anniversary when we surprised them last,

With a large party in their honor, now 20+ more years have passed,

Married 69 years in a few months, to be exact,

Unbelievable, yes, but that’s a fact,

We had a great reunion; a nice prelude to fall,

A week later I drove home with no problem at all,

The drive, though long and tiring, did not ruin my spirit,

I’d say the road trip was more than well worth it!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  9/12/2020

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