Tuesday, October 13, 2020

They Grow Up Fast

 This poem was inspired by my youngest grandson who just turned ONE on August first.

Pitter Patter

The pitter patter of little feet,

Toddling at first, before running down the street,

A baby’s first steps are a wondrous sight,

It seems to happen overnight,

First cruising around the furniture, holding on,

Then a few tiny brave steps on his own,

Then one day he teeters completely across the kitchen floor,

Everyone cheers for him as they want to see more,

He has his hands out to each side, like on a high wire,

His steps are calculated, with no lack of desire,

His world just opened up to exciting transportation,

He is wide-eyed and smiling, and without hesitation,

He begins to walk with confidence and more control,

To get from here to there without falling is the goal,

No more crawling; that’s just for babies and turtles,

He has just achieved one of life’s big hurdles,

And climbing is his favorite… just to be off of the ground,

He ‘ll be sitting on top of the table before I can turn around!

He can now stand from a sitting position without pulling up,

And he drinks from a straw or a sippy cup!

This little guy is officially a toddler now,

He even drinks milk from a dairy cow,

It is hard to believe how fast time passes,

Soon he’ll be needing reading glasses!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  9/26/2020