Tuesday, December 26, 2023

His Birth Story


Love and Good Cheer

When crusted snow crunches under the weight of my boots,

And little kids are bundled in thick, round snowsuits,

Icicles have formed on the eaves of our house,

And no sound is heard, not even a mouse,

A blanket of white covers everything,

And colorful lights glow, as carolers sing,

Winter is here, and the fire crackles loudly,

Neighborhoods display their decorations so proudly,

The smell of pine is filling the space,

As to the gifts, the young ones will race,

It is a magical time of year, that’s right,

The holly, the jolly, the merry and bright,

When people are called to reflect on their year,

With hope and joy, because the message is clear:

Long, long ago, as a star announced His birth,

A miraculous gift was sent to the earth,

Jesus was born and to Him be the glory,

Because Christmas is all about His birth story,

The wisemen were called to bring special gifts to this One,

Because He was declared to be God’s son,

Merry Christmas to you, and a Happy New Year,

May yours be filled with Love and Good Cheer.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Baby's First Christmas


Nellie Rae

Baby-blue-eyed baby girl,

You are your parents’ whole world,

Your toothless smile will light the room,

You are a beautiful flower in bloom,

Your eyes sparkle like the stars on high,

And you seldom get upset and cry,

You sleep like an angel on a bed of clouds,

And oh, the joy it brings when you laugh out loud,

Your chubby thighs are so round and sweet,

And don’t get me started on those little toes and feet,

You are learning to roll, to sit, to play,

You are growing up each and every day,

Soon you will crawl and walk, then run,

With you we are having so much fun!

Your first Christmas is coming soon,

We love you to the moon! (and back)

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, December 12, 2023




May I ride the wave of discovery,

To the crystal shores of tomorrow,

Where a gemstone beach is glistening,

And the sparkle is so radiantly bright,

The golden paths lead through the emerald grass,

And the trees are dripping with diamonds,

May I know the endless peace that is only in heaven,

As I walk through the valley of death,

Love like no other will surround me,

Angels will be singing praises on high,

I will discover the world was only a second,

As I live in the presence of God,

An eternity of bliss, no sorrow, no tears,

For this I should have no more fears,

Looking forward to my forever with hope,

As I work on this earth as a servant,

To live is to die, and to die is to gain,

For this I am thankful and blessed.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

The Dreaded "C-Word"


Cancer Journey

The dreaded C-word,

It’ll never happen to me-word,

It comes without warning to get its prey,

It devours unknowing victims each and every day,

So why am I so shocked to learn,

That it has now become my turn?

Why am I so precocious,

When the C-word is now my diagnosis?

Silently dwelling, stealthily growing,

All this time without me even knowing,

There is a definite time of disbelief,

Followed by a helplessness time of grief,

Waiting for the pathology report to reveal,

The extent of the invasion is a really big deal,

It takes patience and trust, and hope to endure,

Anticipated treatment that is loomingly unsure,

I am blessed to find that my cancer was contained,

The joy of this news is not easily explained,

This is how it all began,

(Be your own advocate, like me, if you can),

I felt a sore spot on my breast while taking a shower,

Each time I shrugged it off, it was not within my power,

To assume anything, as my February mammogram had been clear,  (Feb 4)

But as time passed, it persisted and so did my fear,

In August, I went to my primary care, (Aug 17)

I needed to make my doctor aware,

The breast exam he did gave him no concern,

But he sent me for a diagnostic mammogram to discern,

Images of the diagnostic mammogram showed nothing unusual,

An ultrasound was performed to prove I wasn’t delusional, (Aug 25)

Finally, the ultrasound showed the cause of my pain,

A biopsy was suggested to try to explain, (Aug 29)

What looked to the expert as something benign,

A mass, but of no concern; I was led to think I was fine,

I waited a week before pathology confirmed,

What no one had suggested, yet cancer was affirmed, (Sept 1)

The dreaded C-word: It’ll never happen to me-word,

A breast surgeon was referred, and I went on my way,

Waiting two more weeks for an appointment to say,

We need to take out this mass and do radiation treatment, (Sept 18)

Not knowing what type of cancer, as the biopsy was indeterminate,

Outpatient surgery was scheduled, and another waiting period ensued,

Lymph nodes would be taken since the cancer type was misconstrued,

Surgery, yes, I had two,

But before, a special marker at the mass’ location was needed,

Using mammographic imagery, a radioactive wire was seeded, (Sept 25)

First a lumpectomy/lymph node surgery, but who knew? (Sept 27)

The margins were not clear, so another decision was due, (Oct 8)

The lymph nodes were negative which was excellent news,

The next step in treatment was for me to choose,

I chose to have a mastectomy, removing my left breast,

Without reconstruction, I thought that was best,

Only three weeks had passed, but back to surgery I went,

Outpatient surgery at 7:00, and home at 11:00, I was sent, (Oct 17)

Another pathology report was another week away,

Pathology was good and no further treatment was expected, (Oct 30)

But an appointment with oncology was necessary with all data collected,

November 10 was a very memorable day, (Nov 10)

I met with an excellent Duke oncologist, who had a wonderful way,

Of letting me know that chemo and radiation were not required,

When my incision healed completely, my cancer journey was expired.

One in eight women will be faced with breast cancer, as I was,

It will rock their world, as it always does,

Some journeys will be much worse than mine,

Some will be fatal, that’s the bottom line,

My cancer was mammography occult,

If I had waited, it would have been a different result,

Mammography resolution is only so good,

Do regular breast exams, as you should,

Catching the C-word early is the key,

To survive the dreaded letter “C”.

The dreaded C-word:  It’ll never happen to me-word.

That’s what I thought,

But now the C-word I have fought!

I was blessed and am so very thankful too,

But I am now concerned for you.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Pesky Rabbits


That Pesky Rabbit

With crisp, clean cuts like a gardening tool,

This rabbit has taken me for a fool,

He has snuck into my garden while I’m away,

And eaten all my flowering plants today,

I didn’t actually catch him in the act,

But I recognize his poop and, in fact,

There are probably more than one of them,

Having a buffet on all the delicious stems,

But alas, Elmer Fudd and I won’t be had,

I have a plan and it is ironclad,

I have put up a screen, nice and tight,

Along my fence, where they sneak at night,

I dare them to try and feast again,

I trust they won’t be able to get in,

I take great pride in my flower beds,

And don’t want to find my plants in shreds,

These bunnies may be cute, floppy ears and such,

But in this instance, I don’t like them very much,

Stay out of my garden you pesky rabbit,

Find a different place to inhabit!

Tammy Harvey


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!


Give Thanks

Sun shines bright on a colorful fall day,

There is thankfulness and joy in the air today,

So much to be thankful for, family and friends,

Sometimes I wish this day never ends,

A cornucopia of delicious food on the table,

Thankful for our health and that we are able,

To join together and truly celebrate,

All that we have been blessed with to date,

The Macy’s parade, a must-see while we cook,

Scurrying around the kitchen, but taking a look,

Remembering my grandmother in her apron of old,

Wiping her hands on the front, and the pie crust she rolled,

Afterwards, when bellies are full and the slumber sets in,

While cheering our favorite football team to win,

We doze off sitting up on the couch or recliner,

Thanksgiving Day, nothing could be finer!

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Reflections of Home

 My eldest son Thomas wrote this story after I put his childhood home on the market while downsizing into my new life as a widow. 

Thomas’ Essay

There’s a 'FOR SALE' sign just steps away from where my dad fingered our family surname in the wet concrete below the curb when it was poured three decades ago. Burnished by hurricanes Fran and Floyd, two feet of snow in Y2K and thirty years of seasons, the letters once etched deep are now well-worn hieroglyphs, faded like the memories made in my boyhood home.
Its occupants, once five, vacated in a slow but natural forward march until only the matriarch came to hold the fort. Her three boys became men, fledged and left her an empty nester before cancer left her a widow. Alone with her thoughts in a place once so full of life, the stark emptiness only served to amplify her losses. A home without family turns back to a house, the studs a skeleton of what once was.
But despite its hollowness, the house does have solid bones - besides the metatarsal (mine) and ulna (my brother’s) fractured sometime in the early 2000s. Perched atop a slope, the steep driveway will likely frighten potential buyers who simply lack imagination and vision. If they were to ask, I would tell them that the driveway is the ideal runway for crude wooden ramps hobbled together by small hands from scrap plywood, two-by-fours and remnant bricks. And that not too long-ago wheels, in pairs of twos and fours, rolled from the top of the incline, their riders descending with the reckless abandon and ignorance afforded only by youthful naivety. Speed led to blood, scabs and scars in a time well before helmets and pads softened our spirit.
Once concealed by towering evergreen trees that finally succumbed to disease, the train track that borders the property’s rear is sure to be another red flag to interested parties. However, had they only experienced the thrill – half fear, half frenzy – of running down and stealing the red safety flag that once flew from the caboose of the slow-moving CSX freight train on its daily run like a western outlaw maybe they would think different. Or had they placed a penny on the flat rail and cheered as the locomotive pancaked the soft zinc coated copper into collectable oval trinkets. Or if they would have learned to decipher curse words from the vivid graffiti on the rail cars or convinced the conductor to sound the horn simply by motioning their right arm… then, maybe they would realize they were on the right side of the tracks.
The house, like the flawed family that lived in it for so many years, is not perfect. The new owners will find the need to update and upgrade cosmetic or otherwise. While doing so they will surely stumble upon my father’s signature and a date written carefully on the nearest piece of drywall, stud or flat surface; the hidden graphite autograph a time capsule to the bygone days I now cherish. It is my hope the new owners will appreciate the pride my father took in maintaining his home; blood, sweat and tears – the home has them all and all for different reasons.
It is my hope that the new owners of my childhood home will see it for what it is, what our family made it. A place for discovery, growth and maturity. A safe haven for imagination and make-believe. A shelter with a foundation strong enough to withstand the storms of hurricanes, three adolescent boys and the stresses of life and death. Mostly, I hope when the new owners get their mail, they’ll notice the faint lettering in the concrete just beneath the box and remember the folk that left the roots of their family tree tangled amidst the front yard’s towering oaks, buried deep in the red Carolina clay.
written by:  Thomas Harvey 


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Don't Get Sick


Flu Season

The season is here for getting the flu,

Headache and fever, and frequent “achoo”!

Congestion and cough, feeling miserable and weak,

Body aches and pains, it is nothing unique,

If not the flu, then a new strain of covid is lurking,

Have no fear, the vaccination is working?

Common colds and viruses are also widespread,

Some days it is better just to stay in bed!

But bed is where the sick are found,

So better get up and move around,

Cough in your elbow and sneeze into a tissue,

And don’t let anyone try to kiss you,

Wear a mask, that’s an option,

Drink your mama’s concoction,

Do whatever you need to do,

To try and avoid the flu!

Tammy Harvey


Monday, November 6, 2023

Rushawn Sings



Recently a song went viral on social media, by a young Jamaican boy,

The lyrics are very simple, but the meaning brings so much joy,

Rushawn sings “Beautiful Day” with confidence and heart,

He probably doesn’t know of all the inspiration he will impart,

He sings of thankfulness and humility, in a pure voice,

His words resonate that appreciation is a choice,

He thanks God for sunshine, He thanks Him for rain,

He thanks Him for joy, and he thanks Him for pain,

Thankful in all circumstances is the message that he shares,

Which brings about an internal peace without compare,

There is a reason for a season of sunshine, a reason for rain,

A reason for joy and a reason for pain,

A bigger picture, a divine and eternal plan,

Be thankful in all circumstances if you can,

Someday we will know the reason for all things, good and bad,

There is no time to be disheartened and sad,

Just remember what Rushawn sings:  It’s a Beautiful Day,

In God’s timing, everything is going to be okay.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, October 31, 2023

A Toast to Joshua & Mary Lynn


My Toast to You

I feel inclined to tell you how the bride and groom met,

It was somewhat of a chance introduction, on the internet,

A LinkedIn profile appeared on the groom’s computer screen,

He was surprised by the most beautiful smile he had ever seen,

The photo of a young lady who had graduated from NC State,

Was a networking miracle, a twist of unexpected fate,

He stepped out of his comfort zone, because he was intrigued,

Even though he thought her to be out of his league,

He commented about her beautiful face,

And asked if he could meet her someplace,

Now when she received this unusual request,

She turned to her family for the answer that was best,

Everything within her said not to respond to this creepy guy,

But her family said, oh, why not give it a try?

Thus, the love story of Josh & Mary Lynn began,

It was all a part of God’s match-making plan,

Their first date was dinner, and she picked him up,

Now they have a home, a cat, and Sully, the pup,

They hike, they travel, and sometimes take a really long run,

But mostly they enjoy life and have so much fun,

In January 2022, Josh proposed to his bride,

Now they are walking this life side-by-side,

May they always be blessed to have found each other,

I am particularly fond of them, I am Josh’s mother,

Who knew LinkedIn was a dating site?

May their future always shine brighter than bright,

Please raise your glasses along with me,

And toast this couple who were meant-to-be.  

Congratulations!   Tammy Harvey 4/11/2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023




His clothes are tattered, and his hat is worn,

He is stuffed with straw on this autumn morn,

His arms outstretched, he stands alone,

The lonely cornfield is his home,

The corn stalks are his only friend,

Subtly rustling with the wind,

Scaring away others is his dutiful job,

But if he had eyes, he would surely sob,

He wants to come down off the rigid pole,

To play amongst the cornstalks is his goal,

Alas, a black crow lands on his arm,

He is thrilled when he should be full of alarm,

If he had a mouth, he’d be smiling ear to ear,

 If he had ears, that is, let me be clear,

His face is painted on, so he keeps the same expression,

And the black crow does not know of his depression,

But the black crows have added joy to his day,

A few more are resting on him before they fly away,

He knows he has failed at what the farmer intended,

But his heart (and he has one) feels so splendid,

He has companionship for the very first time,

He has broken the scarecrow paradigm.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  10/2/2023

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Fall Favorites (2)


It’s Fall, Ya’ll

Red and black flannel shirts and worn blue jeans,

Warm cozy sweaters, I know what that means,

Sandals and swimsuits are replaced with knit hats and boots,

Thick socks and sweatshirts, there are no substitutes,

Crispy morning air with a freshness that cleanses,

Sipping on hot cider while football commences,

Cornhole and barbequing in the stadium parking lot,

Tailgating with friends at the usual spot,

Fall is for pumpkins, scarecrows, and a bright yellow tree,

Jewel-colored leaves and the scenery is free,

Acorns fall, and the squirrels are so busy,

Watching them work is making me dizzy,

A majestic sunset of orange adds to the autumn delight,

Not to mention Halloween, to give me a fright,

Fall festivals and farmers are truly the best,

A beautiful time to be thankful for harvest,

Corn shocks and hayrides, apple orchards and all,

Makes me choose as my favorite season…  Fall!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  9/16/2023

BONUS Fall Poem:

Fall Display

Big round orange orb, thick brown stalk,

You will be my jack-o-lantern, to place beside my shock,

Large corn shock, sitting on its end,

Bound like a corset in ‘Gone with the Wind’,

Multi-colored corn will add some festive delight,

To my fall display, without any Halloween fright,

Gourds, flowering chrysanthemums, just a few,

A bale of hay, and always a scarecrow or two,

Just lots of harvest fun out there on the lawn!

Hayrides, corn-mazes, the list goes on and on,

Fall flavors are so yummy: Apple cider and pumpkin spice,

And The NC State Fair makes fall twice as nice,

With an assortment of pumpkins residing on my porch,

Sitting in my swing I watch summer pass the torch,

For cool days are ahead and I can hardly wait,

October has arrived, and there is no debate!

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Golden Road


August 2023

Recently, I started following a couple on Instagram, Matt and Grace, (@thegoldenroad), who are venturing to walk from the border of Canada to the Keys in Florida with their two dogs and a pushcart they named Timmy.  The big husky dog Nemo walks the entire time, while the 4 lb. teacup Yorkie dog they call Foxie (aka Monkey) rides atop “Timmy” (the cart).  They are 133 days into their 3000 mile walk and are now walking through Raleigh today.  They actually came down the White Oak Greenway just minutes from my house and posted a photo of the mural on the trail behind my son’s house.  In doing this walk, they are raising money for a cause @ Elevate.youth.boston.  It is a community organization in Boston who stive to empower underserved youth through outdoor experiences and positive adult role models.  Their goal is to raise $100,000 in donations to this organization. Thus far they have raised $26,800 for the cause.  They have walked over half of their walk (1700 miles) and only have raised one quarter of their goal, but Matt and Grace are determined to make their goal.  I am inspired by their determination and stamina.  Each day they walk they encounter new experiences and new people.  Many generous people offer to allow them to camp in their backyard.  On occasion, they get a hotel room, like when Hurricane Idalia threatened NC this week or when the weather is too hot to handle.  They get up early before dawn to start the walk.  Some walking is done on trails, but other times they are subjected to walking along the road.  This can be dangerous at times.  This is not their first walk across America, but it is their first walk down the east coast.  They average 15-20 miles/day.  Recently, while walking near Clayton, NC, Timmy broke down and was forced to retire.  The couple waited patiently in a hotel nearby to receive their brand-new pushcart they named Carl. They expect to reach the Florida Keys sometime in December.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Juno Loves Autumn


Juno loves Autumn

Juno has shed her lovely headband worn since Fourth of July,

There is a really good reason, and I am going to tell you why,

It’s September, and football season has started once more,

And although she doesn’t have a clue of the score,

She may even think that football is a bore,

Her headband now is black with 3 small pumpkins on top,

I know she loves autumn, and if she could shop,

I’d say she’d buy pumpkins, mums and a plaid ascot!

For I know she loves autumn; She loves it a lot,

In the past she has even dressed up for Halloween,

Her costume this year is still unforeseen,

Will she be a good witch, a clown or a scarecrow?

I guess we will see because I really don’t know,

But for now, she is giving off her harvest vibe,

She’s got a look of her own I can’t really describe,

She is regal.  She is stoic.  She is also so much fun!

With her cute little pearl necklace, and her hair in a bun.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  9/12/2023

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Observing Tiny


Observing Tiny

Seeking sweet red nectar, on a hot summer’s morn,

Tiny emerald-green hummingbirds are already airborne,

Fluttering and darting in and out of my sight,

Sipping drinks from my feeder, with pure delight,

Daintily and elegantly dipping their beak,

Not staying too long, which is part of their mystique,

They hover over the source of their delicious drink,

With an entitled-like ownership, I’m inclined to think,

While selfishly keeping others at bay,

Sharing is not a trait I am observing today,

Atlas, the plump yet petite bird is resting on a nearby perch,

Declaring its territory, like a back pew at church,

I wouldn’t call it mean, but high and mighty,

This bird is a combination of irresistible and flighty,

It has the courage to go after what it wants,

Against all odds, this tiny creature flaunts,

Not too sociable, not today at least,

This tiny bird is quite a beast!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  8/31/2023

Tuesday, September 19, 2023



Healing Hugs

Squeeze me tight, my family or friend,

I want a hug that will never end,

I need to feel your arms around me,

It fills a hole in my heart, you see,

I’m generally not the touchy, feely kind,

But I am broken, keep this in mind,

I need the warmth of a loving touch,

It would help to heal me, oh so much,

I just feel lonely at times, without a caress,

Hugging helps to relieve all stress,

My life partner is an angel now,

And I’m getting along fine, somehow,

I just need a nice long, warm embrace,

To put a smile back on my face.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  8/21/2023

PS- Happy Birthday to Cassie (33) and Joshua (29)!!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

This is Number 500!


500th Post

I’m really excited and not trying to boast,

Can’t believe this is my 500th post!

This might even deserve a celebratory toast:

Here’s to me and my love of rhyme,

Writing has been a favorite pastime,

Pouring out words, like water from a hose,

Poems are like a blooming rose,

The beauty and thorns, go hand-in-hand,

Some painful, but healing, the reward is grand,

Whimsical, magical, thought-provoking prose,

Gives me joy.  Why do you suppose?

Putting thoughts on paper is a mystery drug,

It’s like a warm and tender heart-felt hug,

All wrapped up in a blanket of creativity,

These poems have been a source of positivity,

Capturing my heart and captivating my mind,

Leaving worries and troubles far behind,

Writing has made me carefree,

And that is wherein lies the key.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  8/17/2023

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Lonesome Dove

 Listen to the Cry

The distant cry of the mourning dove,

Is a pleasant sound, and one I love,

CooooOOOO-woo-woo-woo, CooooOOOO-woo-woo-woo,

It’s a graceful song, yet not meant for me or you,

Methodically calling out in a rhythmic tone,

The male dove does not want to be alone,

These birds are known to mate for life,

He is actively seeking to find a wife,

In summer they raise two families together,

Through thick and thin, in all kinds of weather,

Scientifically, the frequency and pitch of the mourning dove call,

Has a calming affect on one and all,

The lower pitched wooing is my favorite part,

I anticipate it right from the start,

It is peaceful and serene, not sad to me,

I smile every time I spot a mourning dove in a tree,

On the ground, perched on a barbed wire fence, or,

In rows along roadside electrical wires, this I just adore,

These lovely birds with their lonesome song,

Make me want to sing along.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Wildflower Delight


Wildflower Garden

The price of bedding plants is so high these days,

And I being in my green-thumb phase,

Decided to purchase a bag of wildflower seed,

A mixture of perennials and annuals, a bargain indeed,

A 2 lb bag could cover 500 square feet,

My gardening plan was almost complete,

I prepared a small spot with rich garden soil,

It was really quite easy, not the usual toil,

Then sprinkled some seed and raked lightly over the top,

Watered them thoroughly… my own little crop,

It was only days before sprouts started breaking through,

The delight on my face was evident as they grew,

I was like a proud new parent doting on my young,

Simply from a few little handfuls of seed I had flung,

The surprise came when they started to grow,

The kind of plants they were began to show,

I had sunflowers, and a variety of delicate flowers I can’t name,

Some blooming white, some purple, some pink, they became,

A beautiful array of wildflowers just as I had envisioned,

I knew my seed propagation had been a good decision.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

It's a Girl!


Baby Girl

A baby girl is on the way,

She will be joining us most any day,

Her long-awaited arrival is a mystery,

Let me give you some of the history,

My husband Jerry was one of five sons,

Then we had 3 sons, who we loved tons,

Two beautiful grandsons were added to the clan,

Still no little girls were in God’s plan,

A little girl was what my husband longed for,

So, he went up to heaven to even the score,

In heaven, I’m sure he personally asked God,

For a little Harvey girl, and God gave the nod,

George probably chimed in at the baby request,

And now we continue to be forever blessed,

A baby girl is on the way,

She will be joining us most any day,

Coincidence?  I don’t believe in those,

I believe Jerry has already counted her toes,

God is good; His mercies are many,

Danielle Harvey is no longer skinny!

It won’t be long before we meet Nellie Rae,

She will be a little princess for Thomas Ney,

A baby is a blessing… girl or boy,

Both sides of Heaven are filled with indescribable joy!

Tammy Harvey


Nellie Rae Harvey arrived on 6/17/2023 at 9:06 pm-  6 lb 7 oz and 18.5" - just in time for Father's Day!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

News about Shoes


Shoes News

It all started with crocheted baby booties,

Wearing them, I’m sure I was a cutie-patootie,

But soon, white hard-soled walking shoes appeared,

These leather high-tops were bronzed, so they never disappeared,

After that was a series of Mary Jane shoes made of black patent leather,

With frilly ruffled anklet socks, worn together,

But PF Flyers became a really big deal,

Sneakers everyone and I wanted!  What a thrill!

I also wore the classic Bass penny loafer in the sixth grade,

Acquiring shiny new pennies and shoe polish in a cordovan shade,

Next, Saddle oxfords, like the cheerleaders all wore,

In junior high, mine were red & white, who could ask for more?

The loafers and oxfords had to be polished and buffed,

Because they were leather and would get easily scuffed,

Suede Wallabees were popular when I was in high school,

I had a grey pair of these that were really cool,

These, however, did not fare well in the rain,

And the maintenance on them was a bit of a pain,

I never wore the popular Dr. Scholls wooden clog sandal,

The hardness of them I could not handle,

(I did have a wooden-handled Pappagallo purse,

The kind with changeable covers that could reverse,)

In college, though, cowboy boots gave me some sass,

I wore a pair of grey ostrich boots to my agriculture class,

Currently, I choose slip-on style shoes, with plenty of arch support,

Comfort is crucial, and that’s my report.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  3/21/2023

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Eyes Wide Open


Traveling with Eyes Wide Open

Traveling down the highway from one state to another proves to be an occasion to see interesting sites.  Recently, a trip through Virginia on the way to Tennessee from North Carolina, provided just that.  On this particular route, we avoided the switchbacks and tunnels of the Great Smokey Mountains by going north through Bristol. This route allowed us to instead view a lovely location called Pilot Mountain, a pinnacle seen in the distance for miles.  It is a rounded knob-shaped peak rising 2,421 feet above sea level in North Carolina.  By definition, it is a metamorphic quartzite monadnock, a remnant of the ancient Sauratown Mountains.  The first time I saw it, I named it “Nipple Mountain”. It is always a treat to see a phenomenon of nature. Then somewhere around Greensboro and Winston-Salem we encountered a ginormous American flag flying gently in the breeze against a sky of pure blue.  This huge sign of patriotism was refreshing to see.  Of course, Winston-Salem skyline had its “tampon” building to give us a chuckle.  Along the journey were also many large crosses next to the highway.  These were a beautiful reminder of our purpose in life to glorify God who gave his son on our behalf.  Another occurrence of God’s splendor were the roadside meadows sewn in wildflowers.  Especially prominent were the red poppies which covered the ground with a cheerful beauty and made me smile. I spent a fair amount of time on my phone while traveling.  I also closed my eyes to get in a short nap or two, but I am so blessed to have enjoyed the many fascinating roadside points of interest.  In particular, I remember a dead tree, the starkness it presented against the lush green countryside was astonishing.  It had not one green leaf among its outstretched branches.  It was relatively short, but broad and fan-shaped with its many gnarly limbs.  I can’t say the species of tree it had been, but I know it would have been an absolutely incredible shade tree.  It was so beautiful in its dead state, I can only imagine what it had looked like in its glory days.  Speaking of glory days, we witnessed a series of 3 or 4 vintage VW camper vans traveling in the slow lane along a stretch and wondered if they had been to some sort of VW convention.  The drivers were literally sitting at the front windshield with nothing in front of them, like a bus driver, as the engine was in the back.  On a road trip, keep your eyes wide open to new experiences, it is amazing what sights you might see!

Tammy Harvey 5/20/23


Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Selfless Goals



Being unselfish is planting trees when you won’t be around to enjoy the shade,

It is helping someone else make their goals before yours are even made,

Being unselfish means putting others’ needs above your own,

With willingness and joy, not with resentment or a groan,

Being unselfish isn’t easy; it is a time of sacrifice,

It’s offering your seat on the bus, without thinking twice,

Being unselfish is a choice that we consciously make,

It is about giving away much more than we take,

It is virtuous to be unselfish; this is true,

Making someone else more important than you,

It is a lesson to be learned; we are not instinctively aware,

Children are certainly not born wanting to share,

It is noble and true to care for others over ourselves,

We put our desires and our pride down on the bottom shelves,

To humble ourselves in the most precious way,

Brings joy in return; a joy hard to convey,

It’s not really putting our goals to the side,

Because being unselfishness is a goal worldwide,

Take a moment to ponder the return we would get,

If we invested ourselves until selfless goals were met.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  5/15/2023

Tuesday, July 25, 2023




Some nights, my mind races as I lay down to sleep,

I toss and turn and literally try to count some sheep,

My thoughts are scrolling like a teenager on a phone,

Jumping from one image to another, origin unknown,

My brain is on fast-forward and slow-motion at the very same moment,

I have entered a random headspace that is ironically my opponent,

It robs me of my slumber, I can’t seem to slow it down,

The thoughts are waterboarding me; I think I’m going to drown,

But alas, I take a deep, deep breath and focus on silent nothingness,

I relax my mind and body, taking note of the present mindfulness,

In my mind’s eye, I place, what I want to see,

Stopping all the random racing thoughts bombarding me,

I practice controlled breathing and try to just let go,

Of the daily stress and anxiety that consistently plagues me so,

I also wake up this way on way too many occasions,

With racing thoughts already there, like a covert invasion,

Not a good way to start the day,

But ultimately, I will clear it away,

It doesn’t have to rule my thoughts, I am on patrol,

My mindset is my own, and I am in control!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  2/25/2023

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Months of the Year

 Days of the week needs to be followed by Months of the year...

Months of the Year

January is a time of resolutions and reflections,

February brings love declaration and rededication,

March is a time of new birth and rejuvenation,

April offers rain and restoration,

May is a time of flowers and appreciation,

June brings fun times and a family vacation,

July is a time of hot summer nights and relaxation,

August gives us anticipation of our education,

September is a time of modification and obligation,

October brings us cool weather and a colorful creation,

November is a time of thankfulness and consideration,

December gives us a time of joy and preparation,

Each month has its own reward to share,

Celebrate each one, if you dare,

As months go by, seasons come and go,

And you don’t know what you don’t know.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Days of the Week


Everyone knows the old nursery rhyme about Monday’s child, but I wrote my own version of days of the week…

Days of the Week

Monday is a fresh start,

Tuesday is a willing heart,

Wednesday seems to take a pause,

Thursday needs a round of applause,

Friday breathes a sigh of relief,

Saturday steals away like a thief,

Sunday is a day of rest,

So, on Monday we can do our best.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Dandelion Revisited


Dandelion Revisited

The dandelion in the last poem was true to its destiny,

Its seeds were dashed by the wind and flew away, endlessly,

But as predicted the new growth rapidly replaced the old,

A crown of yellow formed swiftly, as I previously foretold,

I gazed out my window in awe of the new yellow dome,

I could see the old empty stem still standing in its original home,

Then I heard the distance sound of the mowers coming its way,

Its fate was sealed, and it was cut, and sadly whisked away,

But behold, today I saw again another yellow coloration,

That dandelion was back in force and pursuing its destination,

Arising from the same root, this regenerative flower was persistent,

The elements of the world would not damper its existence,

The mighty tap root gave it strength, each and every day,

And it would not perish unless the root was pulled and tossed away,

I can take a lesson from the resolve of a mighty dandelion,

This world can try to shoot me down, but I will keep on flying,

And some day I will land my plane somewhere on a distance shore,

And pain and trials, hurt and sorrow will be with me no more.

Tammy Harvey




Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Dichotomy of Nature


The Dandelion

The squawking of the Canadian geese brought me to pull the curtain,

As I peered out, they were swimming gracefully, that was for certain,

A few ducks too had joined them on the water this particular morning,

But my attention soon turned to something else, completely without warning,

I fixated on a single stem perched in the foreground of my view,

In the brown grass of early spring, the silhouette I certainly knew,

A dandelion had gone to seed, and the round puff ball was a delight,

It stood so straight and looked so strong, but I knew it would soon take flight,

A perfect sphere of thousands of delicate white feathery hairs,

Just waiting for a swift breeze to release them to the air,

I felt in awe of the dichotomy of nature, in this case,

A hardy, green plant with a solid tap root base,

With fragile parachute seeds, ready to be blown away,

Yet still intact on this particular day,

Its strength lies beneath the surface, and its vulnerability is easily seen,

It’s such a juxtaposition, if you know what I mean,

We are like dandelions, strong within our hearts,

Yet looking fragile and weak on the outside, ready to fall apart,

The tap root is there to help the dandelion easily regrow,

Just as we need our inner strength to finally let go,

Let go of our vulnerabilities and cling to our strong foundation,

For in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  3/26/2023

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Just Listen


The Sound of Silence

It was the darkest dark I’d ever experienced.  At Tuckaleechee Caverns in Townsend, TN when the tour guide turned the lights off while we were at the bottom of the cavern.  There was no natural light present at all, and I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face.  The absence of natural light is rare.  I don’t know how I felt about it.  It was a little scary and strange.  It didn’t exactly make me feel comfortable.  Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste are the five senses.  Sight or at least light is definitely something I treasure. Sound, however, or rather the lack of it, I have discovered is amazing.  In my life now, I am experiencing the most silent silence.  Oddly, it is in my home.  As I sit here, I only hear the faint sound of the heat running, but no other noise at all.  When I go to bed at night, I think about the sound I am not hearing.  In the summer, I heard frogs and crickets from the reserve pond in back of my house.  I heard the birds during the day too.  Now, in December, however, I go to bed with the sound of silence and wake up to it.  Except for the weekly garbage truck pickup, I don’t hear any traffic noises or even construction noises.  It is delightfully peaceful.  What does silence sound like?  It sounds like absolutely nothing and is actually quite comfortable to me.

I recently purchased a retro desk from my favorite thrift store.  It is solid wood and has a mid-century modern look about it.  It is, however, petite and I was able to place it by my bed by a window overlooking the backyard.  It is where the sun sets each evening.  I call this new place my devotion spot.  I sit there in complete silence with only my own thoughts.  There are no distractions, no stimuli, no interruptions.  It is a place to ponder, to pray, to study, to reminisce, or to read.  On occasion, I hear the distant sound of a train whistle as the freight train goes down the tracks nearby.  Even now, as I sit typing this story in my office, the only sound is the clicking of the keys on the keyboard.  It is refreshing to have no sound.  It is therapeutic.  I stopped typing to enjoy it.  It is complete silence.  I can hear nothing but my own breathing.  I’ll admit I just heard a distance sound of an airplane, but those are rare.  Without, the television or radio on, the silence is deafening, and I realize it is a luxury.  Don’t I miss the sound of our family when the children were young and played loudly in the house?  Of course, I do, but that was a different time and place. Decades of life experiences have made me appreciate the soothing quiet. Now that I live alone, I don’t mind the solitude.  I can literally hear a pin drop, and the silence is golden. “Speech is silver, silence is golden” is the full ancient proverb usually only quoted in part.  Silence is calming and decreases stress and helps to lower blood pressure while increasing blood flow to the brain.  Enjoying silence helps me to be more mindful of my emotions, and to feel closer to God.  “Be still and know that I am God” is Psalm 46:10. I would encourage everyone to practice a time of silence during the day.  Being alone with your own thoughts can be very healing and strengthen your ability for discernment.

Just to clarify, I am definitely not talking about the “silent treatment”.  The silent treatment is a refusal to speak to someone as a form of passive-aggressive behavior.  It is used as a way to punish someone and is a form of emotional abuse.  It is a manipulative and controlling tactic that leads to feelings of abandonment, rejection and emotional pain for the recipient.  This forced silence is obviously not the same as the refreshing silence I described above.  As with anything, silence can be our enemy or our friend.  If used properly, though, the quietness can help us to find our inner thoughts among the noise of the world.  Time moves by so swiftly and is a whirlwind of activities.  Inundated with social media clamor and all of the real-time tragedy that we experience daily; it is important to weed out what is not healthy for us mentally. Our thoughts begin racing through our minds like a stampede of horses.  Frequently, I cannot fall asleep at night because I need my thoughts to stop racing through my mind.  In these times, I focus on the silence and with breathing techniques, I am getting better at calming my brain in preparation for sleep.  Lay your phone aside, turn off the television and just listen. We are surprised at what we “hear” when it is silent.   

  Tammy Harvey

Written:  12/10/2022     


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Just Swinging


Porch Swing

At the entrance to my home, there is a covered concrete pad,

Just enough area to take shelter, when the weather is bad,

A lovely place to catch a view of the quiet street,

Where many friendly people enjoy a meet and greet,

I decided that this would be a perfect space,

To install myself a porch swing, and fully embrace,

The neighborhood I chose for my retirement years,

And hopefully meet some of my neighboring peers,

The swing that I purchased is a single-person swing,

Because of the limited area, it is the ideal thing,

 I can sit and ponder and enjoy the afternoons,

Or swing gently back and forth beneath the rising moon,

I can swing and watch the sun come up,

Or swing and sip from my favorite cup,

I can swing my entire day away,

I can just swing for no reason, and that’s okay.

Tammy Harvey


Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Little Bird


Little Bird

A little bird sat at my window,

And as his song for me reached a crescendo,

My worries melted away,

Like snow on a sunny winter’s day,

Into the birdfeeder, he bobbed his little head,

Eating his fill of mealworms until he was sufficiently fed,

My thoughts drifted away to a peaceful place,

I lost track of all present time and space,

My spirit was free like a kite drifting in the wind,

As the bird flew away from the perch, I grinned,

What a wonderful delight he had brought to my day,

It was nice to be a part of his short term stay,

Oh, but I’m sure he’ll be back again soon,

He always revisits me in the afternoon,

I wonder, does he know I am watching him intently?

Maybe he is watching me too, as I move gently,

Does he know I am providing him with his free meal?

Does he even know how happy he makes me feel?

Little bird, when you are out of my sight,

I hope you have a very good flight!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  3/23/2023


Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Beware the Poison Ivy


Poison Ivy

Beware!  The ivy that is a poisonous threat,

Especially if you haven’t had it yet,

I dared to work in amongst it unprotected,

Now my body is relentlessly affected,

Oh, I saw it there, but did not heed,

I did not wear gloves to intercede,

I did not wear long sleeves to keep my arms,

From all the unforeseen rash and harm,

I did not shower after I finished my task,

I was too tired, in case you ask,

I guess I learned my lesson well,

Three days later, my eyes did swell,

My rash broke out upon my arms and neck,

Between my fingers, what the heck!

The itchiness was quite overwhelming,

The urge to scratch became overbearing,

Off to the doctor I went for relief,

After my swollen face was beyond belief,

Steroids are now my new best friend,

Hopefully, no rage will follow in the end,

Therefore, I say again with urgency,

Save yourself from an emergency,

Beware!  The ivy that is a poisonous threat,

Especially if you haven’t had it yet.

Tammy Harvey


Thursday, May 25, 2023

Valentine's Day 2001


As I went through some paperwork at my dad and mom’s house, I happened upon a copy of a poem I wrote for Jerry for Valentine’s Day in 2001.

 Appropriately posted on what would have been our 38th wedding anniversary.

My Valentine to You

It was late in August 1983,

When Tammy met Jerry for the first time you see,

McLeod Park was the location, a company picnic took place,

She saw at once a fantastic sparkle on his face,

He noticed her legs. Oh, how brown they were then!

Was it love at first sight?  Some say it could have been,

The first date was a double, with brother and wife,

BBQ, a country fair, but no wallet caused strife,

The love affair it grew as it often does,

Then Valentine’s Day ’85, he proclaimed his love,

“Will you be my bride?” he was trying to say,

As they sat on the park bench at the end of the day,

The wedding was beautiful as May only can be,

The trip to Hawaii was a sight to see,

Three years later in ’88 they added a son,

His name was Thomas and oh, so much fun!

In exactly three years, another boy they had,

Again, they were blessed with a son for “mom and dad”,

A move to Cary, NC took them away from home,

A new home they started and with love, it has grown,

And to their surprise in 1994,

God’s gift from heaven, a third baby boy to adore,

How could they have deserved a triple delight?

It was truly the completion of something so right,

Time flies by and obligations they grow,

But the love these 5 share they forever will know,

On Valentine’s Day 2000 and one,

It is good to remember the life we have spun,

It has its flaws, oh yes it does, my dear,

But I wouldn’t trade it and look forward to another year,

I love you and my sons, how simple to say,

But most of all, may I show it in a very special way.




Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Little Girl Pearl



There once was a precious little girl,

Who most suitably was named Pearl,

She was her parents’ pride and joy,

They lavished her with playful toys,

She paid no mind to all their doting,

All their pining and their gloating,

As she grew,

Her independence did too,

She was a princess gone rogue,

A mischievous child, not at all in vogue,

She made mud pies in the kitchen sink,

And refused to wear the color pink,

She tapped danced atop the grand piano,

Because she was no longer the top banana,

Her parents had given her a baby brother,

He took her spotlight, and her mother,

How dare he come and wreck her world!

A series of misconduct would need to unfurl!

That was the solution, so she thought,

It was only their attention that she sought,

She made as much noise as she could,

To get them to look, if only they would,

Then her dad and mom sat her by their side,

You’re a big sister now, they said with pride,

They lay the tiny baby upon her lap,

The jealousy melted away in a snap,

She knew right away.  She was still their Pearl,

Their one and only firstborn girl!

Tammy Harvey   written:  3/20/2023

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Hand in Hand


Hands are interesting appendages, and, on this subject, I will linger,

Beginning with tiny baby hands that wrap around a finger,

White and pure as the fresh fallen snow,

Soft and delicate with anticipation to grow,

Sticky child’s hands with dirty fingernails,

Playing outside, doing cartwheels and picking up snails,

Completely covered in fingerpaint or spaghetti,

These hands need experience, so they are ready,

To become adolescent hands, strong and independent,

Mothers don’t know where all the time went,

Then wedding hands with lean long fingers and golden bands,

These are graceful and delightful and hopeful hands,

But the best hands of all are the ones that are old,

With deep creases and wrinkles from years never foretold,

Callused, crippled with arthritis, and in a weakened stage,

Leathery and toughened from hard work and age,

And if they could talk, what stories they would tell,

Of all the things they have done, and done so well,

Grandparents hold onto their grandchild’s hand,

And the cycle continues like turning an hourglass of sand.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  2/28/2023

This poem brought to mind this song:  Put Your Hand in the Hand (1971

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

A Paint Date


Painting Class

Painting is an expressive skill that has no right or wrong,

It is like making up the lyrics to your own individual song,

Anyone can do it, you only have to try,

I had a truly wonderful experience, and I will tell you why,

My grandson has lately taken an interest in drawing and art,

He is six years old and has a lot of talent and is very smart,

I decided it was time for us to go and have a little date,

So, I signed us up for a painting class, and I couldn’t wait!

To see him on the stool with his apron and brush in hand,

He was a little artist, just like I had planned,

It was a parent/child class, and we were each painting a unicorn,

I was very impressed when he asked for gold to paint the uni-horn,

He chose his own colors without attempting to copy mine,

He had so much confidence in his own creative design,

I was more than proud of his ability to make his little “mistakes”,

Only “happy accidents”, as Bob Ross would do, for goodness’ sakes,

Now the masterpieces hang on my grandson’s bedroom wall,

He is growing up so fast and really getting tall,

In fact, he wouldn’t even fit in my car seat that I had,

So, we needed to borrow a ride from his mom and dad,

We had an enjoyable time and followed it up with a drive-through lunch,

This won’t be our last date; I already have a hunch.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  2/20/2023

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Gobble Gobble


My FIRST Turkey Hunt

The alarm sounded at 3:30am on the morning of my first turkey hunt.  I hadn’t slept much anyway because of the excitement of this new adventure.  I arrived at my son’s house at 3:50, and he was already packed up and waiting in his car for me.  I was dressed in layers of clothing and a pair of rainboots with a hat and a hood pulled up over it.  It was April 26, 2023, and on this date 4 years prior my son had killed his first turkey.  It was a special date because it would have been my husband’s 65th Birthday today.  It was an hour and a half drive to our destination.  The traffic was surprisingly heavier than I expected for an early morning trip.  I didn’t nod off at all, although my son suggested I lay the seat back and sleep.  The anticipation was keeping my adrenaline flowing, and I was unusually awake and alert.  We got off the interstate at some point and traveled narrow and winding back roads. 

At last, we arrived and pulled off onto the edge of the road next to a long pole gate blocking a wide gravel entrance.  It was pitch black.  I literally could not see my son in front of me.  He chose not to use any flashlight, but he had been down this path many times and knew exactly where he was going.  A few yards in, he stopped and said he needed to load his gun in case we encountered a bear.  I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not, but I said that I thought I might need to wait in the car.  He reassured me not to be afraid, so we journeyed on.  The only sound at this point was the footsteps ahead of me.  He walked confidently and rapidly into the night.  I, like a baby duck following his mama, did my best to keep up.  After my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, I could see a slight shadow of his existence ahead of me.  We walked much further than I had anticipated before he took a slight right into the grassy field.  There were two chairs and some decoys lying on the ground, but the blind was not there where he had left it.  He immediately decided it had blown away and proceeded to look around the area for it.  I just froze in the spot next to the chairs.  Luckily, it was within a minute that he came back carrying the tent-like structure over his head.  He carefully positioned it over the chairs, and we proceeded to settle in. He took one of the decoys out about 100 ft and placed it in the clearing.  The whippoorwills began to break the silence.

He had prepared me on the drive by telling me about the order in which the forest would wake up.  It was fascinating to experience this phenomenon.  The whippoorwills were first, and their sound was mesmerizing. This was the only sound for a while.  Shortly, the owl calls began to join in.  Their “who cooks for you” hooting echoed in the night.  This duo of sounds was followed by sounds of traffic on the road around 6 am.  Next, songbirds were awake and began singing their morning songs.  The horizon started to lighten up with the impending sunrise.  A few dogs could be heard barking in the distance.  The morning doves began cooing the familiar sound that is so soothing and delightful.  This symphony was glorious but not over yet, the rat-a-tat-tat of woodpeckers joined in the ensemble along with the caw of a few crows.  This experience was worth the trip even if we never heard a turkey.  But the first gobble came at about 6:15 am.  In fact, there were two of them gobbling from two different directions.  My son was patient and methodical as he proceeded to use a striker call to mimic the mock fly down.  He would initiate a call then wait a good five minutes before calling again.  The response gobble would follow, and we were encouraged that we had a turkey or turkeys on the ground in the distance.  One was down in the swampy area, and one was beyond the cutover.  The idea was to coax him to us.  Time passed.  He seemed to be getting closer, but he would need to traverse an overgrown area that it seemed he would not cross. My son used both a box call and his striker call.  It was fascinating.

At 8:30, we decided to leave the blind and walk down to the swampy area to see if we could find the turkey.  When we left the blind, we saw deer tracks in the mud just in front of us.  As we walked, my son would stop periodically and give a short call and wait.  No response.  We got down to the standing water, but no turkey.  Along this path were beautiful patches of purple wildflowers, and we stumbled upon numerous piles of scat which my son said were coyote feces.  The dew was heavy on the vegetation.  It glistened in the sunshine and illuminated all the wet spider webs that were built in the grass.  The blackberry vines were heavy with white blooms. We walked back to the blind and decided to move it to a location on the other side of the cutover.  I carried the small chair and the three decoys.  My son hoisted the blind over his head, and we traveled down the same road we had entered in the black of night earlier.  About halfway back to the car, we came to the spot.  We set up again in the blind and waited.  The process continued.  No talking.  No sudden movement.  No rustling of the feet.  Just sitting, calling and waiting for a response.  He said we would give it until 10 am, then head out.  It was a beautiful day, not too hot.  I enjoyed just sitting there taking in the beauty and sounds of nature.  My son said that most people think the forest is quiet, but it actually it is bursting with the sound of different wildlife. 

When we decided to head back to the car, I was not too disappointed that we never saw a turkey.  After all, we did hear them gobbling.  On the way home, we passed a forest of public land that had just been burned.  We pulled in and he made a few calls with no luck.  Then we visited a property newly purchased by the state.  It was a beautiful meadow surrounded by forest.  The ground was covered in places with beautiful mosses of all varieties.  The meadow was yellow with wild buttercups and dandelions.  It appeared to have been an old soybean field.  We walked through this field and just observed the grandeur of it all.  A few doves were flushed out as my son walked along.  I kept trailing behind taking photos.  We saw several abandoned deer stands, and occasionally we’d stop, and he’d call, but again no turkey response.

 My adventure felt complete even without the prize of a turkey because I was with my son making memories.  It was an experience I will never forget.  My son, my nature guide, my protector against bears, my inspiration had privileged me by letting me into his hunting world.  I was honored to have had the opportunity.  At 63 years old, my intention is to make as many memories as possible doing special things with special people.

Tammy Harvey
