Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Family Gathering

Christmas Dinner
There’s turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes and rolls,
Napkins, forks, plates, and there’s plenty of bowls,
The oven and stove have been busy since morn,
“Don’t touch now, it’s hot”, my Mam-maw did warn,
The smell of good food has spread through the house,
The living room is crowded: cousins, aunts and their spouse,
It’s standing room only; the card table’s in place,
It’s getting closer to time for the saying of grace,
The Macy’s parade has been marching along,
Conversation about bowl games, who’s right and who’s wrong,
Then from the kitchen we hear mam-maw say:
“Everyone be quiet, it’s time now to pray”,
 “Come on in, ‘cause we’re ready to eat”,
“All of you men, get here, take a seat”,
The first table is reserved strictly for men;
In mam-maw’s house, that’s how it’s always been,
The woman eat next, sitting down with a sigh,
Children have their own table in the bedroom nearby,
Deviled eggs, dumplings, macaroni and cheese,
Green beans, field peas, cornbread, please,
Sweet tea, lemonade, pies and stack cake,
The choices are many, which one to take?
 When everyone’s full and dessert has been served,
It’s time to rest and relax, which is well-deserved,
All is not over; there are dishes to clean,
Automatic dishwashers were not on the scene,
We all work together at this time of year,
One sink is soapy water, while the other is clear,
One aunt will wash, one will rinse, and a few will dry,
One aunt will read the comic strips, so the children won’t cry,
Another Christmas dinner has come and gone,
But the joyful memories live on and on.

Tammy Harvey  
written:  2/23/2016

Norman Rockwell is my favorite artist and this painting was is called "Freedom from Want".

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