Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016!

This poem is reminiscent of a Christmas play I participated in when in the first or second grade.  Each student was assigned a letter in the word Christmas and given a rhyme to recite....I had the letter "A".  I remember it like it was yesterday.
The last two lines of this acrostic poem below are taken from my speech memorized and forever indelibly imprinted in my memory.  This was my part: circa 1967

A- A is for angel, who dazzled the sight,
of shepherds who watched in the cold of the night,
An angel with tidings of peace and good will,
on a night that was holy, wondrous and still.

Acrostic Christmas

C- Carolers singing “Silent Night”
H- Houses draped in twinkling lights
R- Resting by the crackling fire
I- Iced sugar cookies and winter attire
S- Sleigh rides in the fresh fallen snow
T- The smell of steaming hot cocoa
M- Mary and Joseph in the nativity dwell
       All is quiet, all is well,
A- Advent season:  peace, joy and love,
S- Savior Jesus was sent down from above.
Christmas spells out the birth of a son,
He came to earth to save everyone,
Led by an Angel, shepherds followed the star,
While Orient kings traveled from afar,
An Angel with tidings of peace and good will,
On a night that was holy, wondrous and still.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  12/01/2016

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