Thursday, December 29, 2016

Happy Zzzz Year 2017

Happy New Year!

In Time Square, the ball is dropping,
Four-3-2-1, there is no stopping,
It’s a new year, 2017,
Time has flown, if you know what I mean,
So many parties to bring it in,
So many resolutions to be thin,
So many couples kiss at midnight,
So many toasts for a future that’s bright,
Celebrate New Year’s Eve if you dare,
I am usually asleep sitting up in my chair,
I try and try to stay awake,
But I cannot, for goodness sake!
No toast, no kiss, no resolve for me,
I am snoring when the countdown hits three,
Why can I never see the new year in?
Because I am watching the back of my eyelids then.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  11/20/2016