Tuesday, December 6, 2016

My Inheritence

The Good Book
Mam-maw’s Bible is really worn,
Many of the pages are tattered or torn,
The binding is loose and the parchment is thin,
There are notes in her handwriting scribbled within,
Yellowed tape covers the spine of this book she treasured,
And the words “Holy Bible” are almost gone off the leather,
Her book of wisdom has traveled unimaginable miles,
From home to church and back again, bringing with it her smiles,
And for someone who never drove a car,
Getting to church every week was her priority, by far,
Twice every Sunday, then on Wednesdays she went,
In her lifetime, she read and reread all the fine print,
Every chapter and verse, old testament and new,
The knowledge she gleaned was essential and true,
Faith in the gospel and a dedication to His service,
Made Mam-maw bold, brave and not at all nervous,
It is the King James version she knew and held dear,
Especially the red words of Jesus, who calmed all her fear,
She played the piano in the pulpit at church every week,
And she would tell you what she thought, never mild nor meek,
In the front of her Bible she wrote eventful dates,
Her children’s birthdays and anniversaries were her keepsakes,
She lived a fruitful life of almost 98 years old,
I was fortunate to inherit her Bible, more precious to me than gold.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  November 14 ,2016

1 comment:

  1. What a true gift that was given to you. God bless! I wish I could have met mam-maw. I would have told her what a great grandchild she has and family.
