Holy Trinity
The Father, Son & Spirit: Holy Trinity,
Three in One, yet One is three, it is confusing for you and
for me,
It is mystifying, most would say,
Let me attempt to explain it, if I may,
The Father God, our Creator, in Heaven reigns over all,
The Garden of Eden he made for us, but Adam & Eve took
the fall,
A fall from Grace, Sin was in, and Redemption was necessary,
To commune with God again, we would need an intercessory,
Father God manifest himself as Jesus Christ, to live on
Now still the Father, but also the Son, Christ experienced a
virgin birth,
For 33 years, He lived a perfect life, fully God, yet fully
It was foretold in the Old Testament. It was God’s ultimate plan,
He was always meant to die for us, so we could live again,
He was made the ultimate sacrifice to atone for mankind’s
Once He died, He rose again, and ascended back to His heavenly
Where He sits at the right hand of the Father, providing
infinite grace,
But He left behind his Holy Spirit to dwell within our
To cleanse us and give to all of us brand-new starts,
The Spirit is the breath of God, bestowing guidance from
To put God’s purposes into action with overwhelming love,
I hope this makes more sense to you, as it has for me,
The Father, Son & Spirit: Holy Trinity
Tammy Harvey
Written: 2/2/2018