Thursday, December 29, 2016

Happy Zzzz Year 2017

Happy New Year!

In Time Square, the ball is dropping,
Four-3-2-1, there is no stopping,
It’s a new year, 2017,
Time has flown, if you know what I mean,
So many parties to bring it in,
So many resolutions to be thin,
So many couples kiss at midnight,
So many toasts for a future that’s bright,
Celebrate New Year’s Eve if you dare,
I am usually asleep sitting up in my chair,
I try and try to stay awake,
But I cannot, for goodness sake!
No toast, no kiss, no resolve for me,
I am snoring when the countdown hits three,
Why can I never see the new year in?
Because I am watching the back of my eyelids then.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  11/20/2016

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


It is the end of another year. I have had my blog now for the last six months and have posted 75 poems to date. It has been a joy to share my poems with everyone who will take the time to read them. I look forward to another year of blogging my rhyming thoughts. In reflection, I am posting the follow poem written near the inception of this idea of me writing poetry.

My Poetry

Recently, I have had the urge,
To put my thoughts down into words,
Words come pouring out of me,
Like leaves are falling from a tree,
I don’t know what the reasons are,
That makes me rhyme the words thus far,
Maybe it is the season in life,
Words are sharp; they can cut like a knife,
Words can be fun and silly or rude,
It all depends on your attitude,
So why have a taken to writing out prose?
I don’t know if anyone else really knows,
I think that my poetry helps me to ponder,
The things in life that are so full of wonder - Tammy Harvey 6/28/14

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas 2016!

This poem is reminiscent of a Christmas play I participated in when in the first or second grade.  Each student was assigned a letter in the word Christmas and given a rhyme to recite....I had the letter "A".  I remember it like it was yesterday.
The last two lines of this acrostic poem below are taken from my speech memorized and forever indelibly imprinted in my memory.  This was my part: circa 1967

A- A is for angel, who dazzled the sight,
of shepherds who watched in the cold of the night,
An angel with tidings of peace and good will,
on a night that was holy, wondrous and still.

Acrostic Christmas

C- Carolers singing “Silent Night”
H- Houses draped in twinkling lights
R- Resting by the crackling fire
I- Iced sugar cookies and winter attire
S- Sleigh rides in the fresh fallen snow
T- The smell of steaming hot cocoa
M- Mary and Joseph in the nativity dwell
       All is quiet, all is well,
A- Advent season:  peace, joy and love,
S- Savior Jesus was sent down from above.
Christmas spells out the birth of a son,
He came to earth to save everyone,
Led by an Angel, shepherds followed the star,
While Orient kings traveled from afar,
An Angel with tidings of peace and good will,
On a night that was holy, wondrous and still.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  12/01/2016

Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Family Gathering

Christmas Dinner
There’s turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes and rolls,
Napkins, forks, plates, and there’s plenty of bowls,
The oven and stove have been busy since morn,
“Don’t touch now, it’s hot”, my Mam-maw did warn,
The smell of good food has spread through the house,
The living room is crowded: cousins, aunts and their spouse,
It’s standing room only; the card table’s in place,
It’s getting closer to time for the saying of grace,
The Macy’s parade has been marching along,
Conversation about bowl games, who’s right and who’s wrong,
Then from the kitchen we hear mam-maw say:
“Everyone be quiet, it’s time now to pray”,
 “Come on in, ‘cause we’re ready to eat”,
“All of you men, get here, take a seat”,
The first table is reserved strictly for men;
In mam-maw’s house, that’s how it’s always been,
The woman eat next, sitting down with a sigh,
Children have their own table in the bedroom nearby,
Deviled eggs, dumplings, macaroni and cheese,
Green beans, field peas, cornbread, please,
Sweet tea, lemonade, pies and stack cake,
The choices are many, which one to take?
 When everyone’s full and dessert has been served,
It’s time to rest and relax, which is well-deserved,
All is not over; there are dishes to clean,
Automatic dishwashers were not on the scene,
We all work together at this time of year,
One sink is soapy water, while the other is clear,
One aunt will wash, one will rinse, and a few will dry,
One aunt will read the comic strips, so the children won’t cry,
Another Christmas dinner has come and gone,
But the joyful memories live on and on.

Tammy Harvey  
written:  2/23/2016

Norman Rockwell is my favorite artist and this painting was is called "Freedom from Want".

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Joy to the World

Reason for the Season

Decorate the yard! Deck the halls!
Put Christmas cards upon your walls!
Hang the tinsel on the tree!
It’s Christmas time, don’t you see?
Jingle bells and twinkling lights,
Christmas smells, sounds and sights!
Shop and bake, then shop some more,
Too many people in the store!
Hustle, bustle, in a hurry,
Christmas is near, but don't you worry,
Will you stop just long enough,
To ponder why there’s all the fuss?
A child was born in Bethlehem,
The angels watched closely over him,
Wise men came from far away,
To honor him on Christmas day,
Shepherds left their fields at night,
To follow the star that shone so bright,
Relax, be joyful, worship and sing,
The newborn was the King of Kings,
Forget the stress of Christmas past,
And celebrate the One who holds you fast,
Good tidings and great joy to all,
It’s not so much about the mall!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  11/20/2016

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Don't forget to step out of your comfort zone to achieve the goals you really want and  fulfill your dreams.   Reach for the stars!

Can it be?

Can it be that I am slowly growing old?
Can it be that I was never bold?
Can it be that I am no longer needed?
Were there warnings I should have heeded?
Can it be that my life is slipping away?
Wasn’t there more I wanted to say?
Looking back, will it be said?
She had good intentions in her head?
She made plans but never achieved them,
She had goals but never reached them,
She wanted much more from life,
She could have been a better wife,
She could have been a better mother,
A better sister, like none other,
Will it be said she had her chance,
But did not learn to paint, or dance?
To step out of her comfort zone,
To have adventures of her very own,
To keep her many dreams alive,
Or did she just live to survive?

Tammy Harvey  
Written:  7/21/14

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Yes, No, maybe so

This is how I feel about Christmas shopping...what do I buy for gifts?


Yes, no,
Maybe so,
Indecision, I don’t know,
Too many options, too many choices,
Too many distractions, too many voices,
Which one?   What kind?
I’m about to lose my mind,
If in doubt, leave it out,
I am about to scream and shout!
Yes, no,
Maybe so,
Indecision, I don’t know,
I can’t seem to make my mind up,
Now my head is about to erupt,
Clear the fog that blinds my judgement,
Overwhelming panic, in this moment,
Indecision is a curse!
It really, really is the worst!
Or is it so? I can’t decide,
I just want to run and hide,
Yes, no,
Maybe so,
Indecision, I don’t know!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  9/23/2016

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Never ending wishes

As holiday season is upon us and with company arriving, we all feel the need to get the housework done.  Don't we all wish we had Rosie from the Jetsons working for us?! Or Alice from the Brady Bunch? Or Hazel?


I know housework is necessary,
But the thought of it makes me weary,
To vacuum, dust, and do the dishes,
Makes me wish I had more wishes,
I'd wish dust collectors didn't collect dust,
And clutter that didn't clutter would be a must!
I'd wish the cobwebs to go away,
I'd wish away laundry to another day,
I'd wish the windows, oven and counter to be clean,
And the microwave and bathrooms to be pristine,
I'd wish for world peace and for cancer, a cure,
And for clean toilets, mirrors, and floors for sure,
Add sinks, bed sheets, chair railings and then,
I'd stop and wish it all over again,
I know housework is necessary,
But the thought of it makes me weary!

Tammy Harvey
written:  10/2/2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

My Inheritence

The Good Book
Mam-maw’s Bible is really worn,
Many of the pages are tattered or torn,
The binding is loose and the parchment is thin,
There are notes in her handwriting scribbled within,
Yellowed tape covers the spine of this book she treasured,
And the words “Holy Bible” are almost gone off the leather,
Her book of wisdom has traveled unimaginable miles,
From home to church and back again, bringing with it her smiles,
And for someone who never drove a car,
Getting to church every week was her priority, by far,
Twice every Sunday, then on Wednesdays she went,
In her lifetime, she read and reread all the fine print,
Every chapter and verse, old testament and new,
The knowledge she gleaned was essential and true,
Faith in the gospel and a dedication to His service,
Made Mam-maw bold, brave and not at all nervous,
It is the King James version she knew and held dear,
Especially the red words of Jesus, who calmed all her fear,
She played the piano in the pulpit at church every week,
And she would tell you what she thought, never mild nor meek,
In the front of her Bible she wrote eventful dates,
Her children’s birthdays and anniversaries were her keepsakes,
She lived a fruitful life of almost 98 years old,
I was fortunate to inherit her Bible, more precious to me than gold.

Tammy Harvey

Written:  November 14 ,2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Out my window

This poem is dedicated to a good friend of mine, Candy, who loves snowmen year round!
Her collection stays on display all year.  She says they are frozen smiles! :)

A Winter’s Day
Snow covered every blade of grass, every branch and every path,
It was like white frosting on a cake or the bubbles in a bath,
The snow was smooth and undisturbed like a freshly made bed,
A woodpecker stood out brightly with its head of pure red,
One dot of color in the landscape of white,
Wonder of wonders, what a beautiful sight,
In a warm sweater with hot cocoa, I snuggled up in a chair,
The sound of children’s laughter I heard from out there,
I gazed out my window, and it was then that I knew,
A snowman was needed to complete the winter view,
With mittens on their hands and boots on their feet,
I watched them crush the snow as they ran down the street,
They rolled a big snowball, then two and then three,
Watching how they managed to stack them was a treat to see,
Then one child found rocks that they used for the eyes,
And another lent their hat for the perfect disguise,
Small branches were placed on the sides for each arm,
And a carrot for the nose added a delightful charm,
The mouth was made of berries from a bush nearby,
And as it was completed I breathed out a big sigh,
Enjoying the sights and sounds of a winter day,
When the earth provided children a chance to play

Tammy Harvey    Written:  November 12, 2016

Looking out my front window, I have witnessed many children enjoying their day off from school while playing in the fresh fallen snow.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

THE Shoe Store

I was just thinking back on the days when we went to a full service shoe store.  That's like a full service gas station, only for shoe buying.  Usually a man in a suit and tie greeted you, measured your foot, brought shoe boxes from the back, and put the shoes on your feet for you.
Poll Parrot's Shoe Store had another unique experience to offer the buyer:

Myna Bird and New Shoes

Poll Parrot’s Shoe Store had its own myna bird,
He was black, in a cage, and could talk, how absurd!
He really did speak just like a human,
The sound came from his throat, his beak wasn’t movin’,
He also could whistle extremely loud,
Especially if he was drawing a crowd,
“Don’t put your fingers near the cage” the sign said,
It was fascinating to watch, how he tilted his head,
As he called out, when someone entered the door,
It was an adventure coming to shop at this store,
The shoe salesman would sit on a stool with a slant,
Put my foot in the measurer and push it down flat,
Then slide the bar to the end of my toes,
To make sure the right size was just what he chose,
Saddle oxfords, penny loafers,Buster Brown or Keds,
Or he could sell me patent leather instead,
Whatever the occasion, there’s a shoe for all,
The salesman returns shoe boxes stacked tall,
No lack of customer service at Poll Parrot’s place,
The salesman unwrapped the shoe and untied the lace,
Sitting back down on his stool with a shoehorn in hand,
He slipped the shoes on my feet and asked me to stand,
He took his big thumb and mashed my big toe,
To see if there was room in there to grow,
Then I strolled around to try them out,
Stepping in front of the floor mirror, I sashayed about,
My Mom paid the salesman and we were on our way,
A myna bird and new shoes, what a wonderful day!

Tammy Harvey 
written:   6/25/2016

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Give Thanks
In all circumstances, give thanks,
Find the good in all you do,
Gratitude is up to you,
Even when things don’t go well,
On the negative you must not dwell,
Give thanks,
In all circumstances, give thanks,
For as we are taught by God above,
By giving thanks to the One we love,
He extends his helping hand,
Giving us the strength to stand,
Give thanks,
In all circumstances, give thanks,
All things work together for good,
To those who know Him like they should,
Seek his face with a thankful heart,
God’s will for you He will impart,
Give thanks,
In all circumstances, give thanks,
Just as it says in Thessalonians five,
To be joyful, prayerful, and thankful, let us strive
On this very Thanksgiving Day,
Let us be thankful in every way.

Tammy Harvey
Written: 10/26/2016
Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.  1Thessalonians 5:16-18

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Mighty Oak

Conversation to an Acorn

Even though you wear a cap, eventually you become dark brown,
You bounce and roll when you fall, like a clown tumbling down,
You may be small and overlooked by others, but I am fond of you,
You are important to everyone, if they only knew,
Small in size, but when you grow, you become a towering giant,
Then you are strong and branching out, so magnificent and reliant,
Squirrels gather up their winter supply, as other animals do,
Acorn, as you may have guessed, I am speaking about you,
The leaf-covered ground below my feet is your perfect destiny,
It is there you will root and grow yourself into a large oak tree!

Tammy Harvey
Written:  10/11/2016

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Woe is Me

This poem is based on a true story...

What to do

Woe is me,
I got no tv,
My husband cancelled the cable,
I tried and tried but could not connect,
My internet is also disabled,
Oh my, oh my,
I almost could cry,
What will I do now without it?
I could read, I could sew, but I just don’t know,
It seems that I can’t live without it!
It is only 7 o’clock and not even dark,
“What were you thinking?” is my only remark!
There’s no one at home not even our dog,
I could visit a neighbor or write my own blog,
I could take a long bubble bath and soak in the tub,
I could clean up the house and the floors I could scrub,
I could do crafts in my pjs and great things I could make,
I could bake cookies, or brownies, or even a cake,
I could listen to music in quiet solitude,
I could raid the pantry and eat all of the food,
I could lie on the couch, aww, I could lie in the recliner,
I could sit there for hours and nothing is finer,
No Pinterest, no Google, no emails, no tweet,
Oh, but the sound of silence is sweet.
So I guess you might say I’ve got nothing to do,
But that’s okay with me, how about you?

Tammy Harvey
written:  6/27/14

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Brooch Revolution

So, call me crazy, but I love old brooches. I think it is because my Mee-maws always wore them when I was a girl.

Old school brooches are a passion of mine,
I think they are utterly divine,
Costume jewelry, yes, but in so many ways,
They bring me back to the good old days,
My grandmothers and aunts wore them with pride,
It didn’t matter where, on the left or right side,
There were so many styles: jewels, pearls, or enameled,
I like them all: I guess I’m enamored,
Helping my grandmother get the pin into the clasp,
I didn’t want to stick her, so if she moved, I would gasp,
Gold or silver, made into anything you could name,
Dragonflies, leaves, roses, owls, peacocks- no two the same,
Bright burst of colorful rhinestones added the bling,
Swans, seashells, snowmen- really are a beautiful thing,
In my mind, they are little works of art,
To name a few more: angels, poodles, or a simple heart,
I could go on and on and on,
Talking brooches to the break of dawn,
Let’s just say I’d like to promote a brooch revolution,
Everyone wears one; that’s the solution!
Bring back the days when you had to ask,
Someone else to clasp your clasp!

Written: 6/13/2016 Tammy Harvey

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Marvelous things

Don't take for granted the small marvelous things around you!!


I marvel at marvelous things,
Knitting needles and hummingbird wings,
The sound of a songbird when it sings,
The rhythm of a church bell as it rings,
The dew on a leaf in the morning light,
The petals of a rose, what a delicate sight,
I marvel at the smell of fresh cut wood,
I marvel at the stump where the tree once stood.
The tiny toes on babies’ feet,
The taste of fresh fruit, both so sweet,
The wind as it causes limbs to sway,
The clear fresh dawning of a brand-new day,
Don’t forget to marvel,
For marvelous things,
You won’t believe the joy it brings.

Tammy Harvey  
written:  7-20-2015

A Subtle Teacher


Over there! What is that?
It looks like a small squirrel running about,
Tiny little chipmunk scurrying around,
Finding seeds and nuts all over the ground,
“Chip, chip” is the audible sound he makes,
Holding tightly onto the loot he takes,
Disappearing from sight as fast as he can,
The chipmunk does not commune with man,
He gets what he wants then quickens away,
Burrowing in the ground until another day,
Gathering food to last him the winter long,
He is small in stature, but his will is strong,
His back is adorned with beautiful stripes,
He is one of a species with 21 types,
I am glad we saw this wonderful creature,
He is a very stout, yet subtle teacher,
He teaches me to be resilient,
And have a work ethic that is brilliant.

Tammy Harvey
Written:  9/25/2016
Chipmunks scampering around our cabin during our recent trip to MN inspired the poem.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Old-fashioned conversation

  What has happened to good old-fashioned conversation?

 Our voice to Speak? 
Text, Text, Text,
Type, type, type,
Is it really worth the hype?
Tweet, tweet, tweet,
Should we meet?
We don’t have the time to do so,
Cellphones go wherever we go,
We can quickly communicate,
Don’t even need to hesitate,
Posting Instagram is better,
We don’t even mail a letter,
Sending Snapchat photographs,
Arriving to us, just like that,
Checking email and our Facebook,
Always tempted to take a quick look,
Social media has its place,
Big advancements since MySpace,
Watch a video:   Youtube, Vine,
Goggle anything on our mind,
Pin it, Blog it, we have power,
Getting “on-line” at any hour,
If the internet were gone today,
Would we remember what to say?
Could we use our voice to speak?
Or would we just be shy and meek?

Tammy Harvey  written: 6/23/2014

Thursday, November 3, 2016


There are days that are just better than others.  Someday they will all be the best days.

The Best Days
There are days that I like best,
When worries are far away at rest,
When heartache is a forgotten dream,
When all is well, or so it seems,
My soul is at peace and my mind is clear,
My heart is open and my God is near,
I can feel a calming in myself,
Then I know that I am blessed,
My anxiety is miles away,
As I sit and quietly pray,
Someday it will be eternally so,
This I truly, truly know,
“Be still and know that I am God”,
He implores me to His side,
“Come to me, and I will give you rest”,
These are the days that I like best.

Tammy Harvey 
 written:  8/9/2016

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Do you hear that?

Listen to the silence:

I like the silence during the day,
When daydreams spawn and believers pray,
When ticking clocks are clearly heard,
I listen intently to a chirping bird,
It is so quiet I can hear the rain,
Slowly dripping on my windowpane,
The creaking floor makes a mournful groan,
There’s no tv and there is no phone,
The silence does not deafen me,
It provides me peace and serenity,
Silence is golden so it’s told,
I would not trade it for a pot of gold.

 Tammy Harvey 
written:  2/20/2016 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Little Engine that Could

Sometimes everyone just wants to give up because life is hard. I want to use this poem to encourage you to never give up on yourself!

Be Determined
If you walk when you could run,
You might be missing out on fun.
If you stop when you could go,
You might just miss a chance to grow.
If you are silent when you should speak,
Some might think you mild and meek.
If you quit before you finish,
Your experiences you will diminish.
Determination steadily will fill your cup,
When you are down, but don’t give up.
Slowly, but surely, you will see,
Determination is the key.
Be determined to run a good race.
Be determined with a smile on your face.
Be determined to help the weak,
For they know you are neither mild nor meek.
Your determination will take you far,
And ultimately determines who you are.

By Tammy Harvey 2015

A great child's book about determination: The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper

Batter UP!

With the third game of the 2016 World Series being played tomorrow, the Cubs and Indians battle it out for the title.  It seems like a fitting time to post my baseball poem. 

Baseball rules! Baseball rules!
Like a bag of colorful jewels,
A sport played on a diamond field,
With grass as green as an emerald shield,
Crisp chalk lines 'n' base pads: opal white,
And topaz-colored soil, rich and bright,
The stitches on the baseball:  ruby red,
With an aquamarine sky overhead,
Bejeweled and bedazzled, a delight to behold,
Watching a baseball game is as good as gold!
Like a bag of colorful jewels,
Baseball rules! Baseball rules!

Tammy Harvey

Written:  9/23/2016

This poem is dedicated to the memory of Jean Coker, always an avid Cubs fan!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Around & Around, Up & Down

I've never been a fan of carnival rides, especially the roller-coaster types. I get motion sickness very easily. I have always fancied the carousel and it's beautiful artistry.


The music box is so inviting,
The lights and mirrors are so exciting,
The painted horses, lions, bear,
Bright colors everywhere,
Up and down, around and around,
The shiny poles, the sights and sounds,
A carousel ride is for everyone,
Siblings, grandmas, fathers, son,
Never too old and never too small,
Never to young and never too tall,
To experience the thrilling carnival ride,
The mother standing by the baby’s side,
Holding the baby on the saddled horse,
With Dad waving and taking photos, of course,
Ever so gently and smoothly it runs,
Can’t find a better way to have fun,
When it stops, will baby be up or down?
Riding the carousel, the talk of the town.

Tammy Harvey
written: 6/22/2016

The carousel inside the Mall of America in MN, where we recently visited, inspired this poem.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Who's got the button?

I shared with you my obsession for fabrics, but I have another confession.  I also am obsessed with buttons.  I have a collection of old buttons from various sources.  When you read this poem, maybe you can understand why I like them so much.


Button, button, who’s got the button?
Remember that old game we used to play?
A guessing game, at no expense, to pass the time away,
A slight of hand, to fool everyone,
Oh what we used to do for fun!
Buttons, now one of my favorite items to collect, in fact;
I like the old, nostalgic ones, still on the card, intact,
I like the used ones taken from old clothing and found in bins,
When I have to search them out among the needles and the pins,
The different shapes intrigue me; round, square, oval and more eccentric ones,
Two holes, four holes or ones with a shank; there are tons and tons,
Big or small, black or white, thick or thin, red, orange, or blue,
Nautical, whimsical, beautiful, feminine, and functional -any of them will do,
I think about the whereabouts these buttons have been to date,
Who wore the coat or blouse these buttons adorned; what was their fate?
Buttons have an important job, like birds of a feather,
Button down or button up!  They help us keep it all together!

Tammy Harvey  
written 6/13/2016
Here are a few of the many buttons in my collection:

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mama Drama

I am a huge fan of stage theater, any level:  from middle school to Broadway! Especially musicals!
I was fortunate enough to have "Mama Drama" living next door to me for many years.  Deborah was affectionately nicknamed by her students at a performing arts middle school in downtown Raleigh.
For years, I watched her pour heart and soul into the productions with the students reaping the benefits of her labor.  I was also fortunate enough to see many performances directed by Miss Deb.
I dedicate this writing to her:

Live Theater
The heavy stage curtains are closed; the house starts to fill,
House lights are up; ushers hand out the playbill,
Anticipation builds as the show time draws near,
The actors backstage are feeling butterflies of fear,
The audience is patiently awaiting the first act,
A music director appears and the orchestra is intact,
From the orchestra pit, opening instrumentals begin,
The lights in the theater start to slowly dim,
A spotlight shines front center stage,
The percussion, strings and brass turn the next page,
Rehearsals are over, the theater is packed,
Then suddenly the curtain is swiftly pulled back,
The set design is an incredible piece of art,
Actors and actresses begin to deliver their part,
An ensemble arrives and they break into song,
The cast is on a journey, and takes the audience along,
The costuming is brilliant; every detail is there,
The audience is swept into an imagery lair,
Act I, then Act II, then Intermission arrives,
Discussions are had between husbands and wives,
After leg stretching time, the house lights go dark,
The players on stage have all taken their mark,
Promptly and precisely, Act III commences,
The sights and sound are void of all pretenses,
The audience is once again drawn into the plot,
The play is almost over, like it or not,
Act IV, the finale, and then curtain call,
A standing ovation is given by all,
The cast, exhausted and elated, join hands for a bow,
The hard work was worth it, and they know it now,
As they leave the theater and the audience does too,
They know they will journey tomorrow anew,
A night at the theater:  a glimpse of show biz,
Theater; live theater, that is

Tammy Harvey

Written: 10/13/2016

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Mark it sold!

I guess I like quilts because I love fabric so much.  Even as a child I had an obsession with it.

Fabric Obsession

At my mom’s workplace, Jackie’s Fabrics was nearby,
I walked down there as a child, browsing around with a sigh,
A maze of round tables, I meandered through,
Bolts were neatly wrapped, the ends were tucked in too,
Yards and yards of beautiful fabric, a sight to behold,
Enticing me, but “look don’t touch” is what I was told,
Sewing notions hung on racks and just about every wall,
Large pattern books were open: Simplicity, Butterick, McCall,
In large metal drawers, patterns safely filed away,
Unless someone bought them, that is where they’d stay,
The spools of thread were sorted in shades of the same color,
And oh, the buttons on the cards, an assortment like no other,
A cutting table, measuring sticks, and heavy fabric shears,
The sound of those shears cutting was music to my ears,
So many different textures, prints, colors – so much to be made!
Remember Dotted Swiss, chenille, crushed velvet, leather and/or suede,
Lace, terry cloth, polyester, tulle, satin, flannel, corduroy,
By now my head was spinning and I couldn’t take it anymore,
I’m still in love with fabric, even now that I am old,
Only now when I find it, they can mark it sold!

Tammy Harvey  
written:  6/25/2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Needles and Pins

Mam-maw L made dutch doll quilts, and Mam-maw P made polyester quilt tops by hand.
I learned to machine quilt in 1996 at a class held at my church. Although I have made a handful of quilts since then, I still consider myself a novice at it. I am in awe of some of the more complex designs. I am currently making a t-shirt quilt for my niece from her husband's shirts.

Needles and pins,
Fabric in bins,
Scissors and thread,
Blue, orange and red,
A sea of colors, delightful and bright,
Time stands still while day turns to night,
Snip, Snip, snip, and measure, measure, measure,
An heirloom, artwork, something to treasure,
Colorful pieces have shapes of their own,
Put into pattern and then they are sewn,
When squares upon squares are placed end to end,
The beautiful quilt top has a magical blend,
Side by side, the rows make it complete,
Hum, hum, hum, the machine keeps the beat,
Then batting is added and sandwiched between,
The top and the backing so crisp and so clean,
It’s time to add stitches, petite and so steady,
Slowly but surely, it’s soon to be ready,
Add binding on next makes the final touch,
The quilt makes me smile; I like it so much,
I think I will use it to bring comfort and joy,
And pass it on down for generations to use more.

Tammy Harvey written: 7/24/2015

My first queen-sized quilt I completed in 2001. It's the log cabin pattern.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Time to Rest

In this fast-paced world, here's a reminder to give yourself a break:

Put up your feet, recline your chair,
You’re not going anywhere,
Time to rest, work can wait,
It’s okay to rejuvenate,
Doing nothing can be healing,
When overwhelmed and tired you’re feeling,
Take the time to help your mind,
Settle down and unwind,
You can give yourself a break,
When a quiet time you take,
It will help to calm your soul,
That should really be your goal,
So don’t feel guilty if you slow down,
Stop the running all around town,
Keep your busy spirit strong,
With relaxation, you can’t go wrong.
Tammy Harvey
written: 6/23/14  

The Battle is Real

If you battle depression, I hope you will find this poem helpful.

Hope wins

I am grumpy; I am in a bad mood,
I want to feel better; I don't want to be rude,
My body is tired, and my emotions are teary,
I want to feel strong, but instead I feel weary,
I need to get rest to renew my own mind,
I want to be cheerful; I want to be kind,
I haven't a clue what's come over me,
It's a dark cloud; a boat drifting at sea,
I think I have fallen into a deep pit,
Where is my clever and humorous wit?
Is there no light at the end of the tunnel?
Or am I spiraling down a huge funnel?
I want to get out of this pit of despair,
I need to recover; I need to repair,
I don't want to ride this merry-go-round,
A glimmer of hope is yet to be found,
Where's there is a flicker, there could be a flame,
So I'll continue to hope without any shame,
To beat the depression rising within,
I need to stay positive and let hope win,
Let me say it again,
Hope wins.

Tammy Harvey
written:  5/30/2016

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Push Me


The grass is worn beneath my feet,
There’s a dirt-filled hole below the seat,
The seat is a hard, wooden board,
Hung from the oak tree by strong chords,
I hop right on, my hands hold tight,
I push off the ground with all of my might,
I lean way back and pump my feet,
It’s like I’m flying in my seat,
Swinging on my homemade swing,
Really is the coolest thing,
All my friends want a turn,
They watch me first so they can learn,
The backyard is the place to be,
If they want to swing like me!

Tammy Harvey 
written:  2/24/2016

This poem is for my great niece Ellie, who will turn 3 years old tomorrow!!
She loves swinging!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Ponder with a sigh

If you are like me, you just want to know why everything happens the way it does.  Well, I have learned that the "not knowing" is what fosters faith.  
"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." 
 Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)
If we have faith, someday we will know the answer to the question "why?".

I too often seem to wonder:  why?
Why bad things happen that make us cry?
Why must we endure the pain?
Why we suffer, why the strain?
Then I know from deep inside,
We are sinners; we have pride,
In Romans 5, verses two thru four,
Hides the answer and so much more,
We must have struggles to build endurance,
Endurance leads to our assurance,
From perseverance, character grows,
Like the blooming of a rose,
Strength of character leads to hope,
Hope in Christ, like a solid rope,
A rope to save us from our sins,
On these attributes, our faith depends,
So, I won’t worry about the why,
As I ponder with a sigh,
If Christ endured the cross for me,
Surely, I can wait patiently.

Tammy Harvey  
written:  8/9/2016

Jack Rocks

If you are like me, you played jacks as a kid.  What a fun game that worked best on concrete porches or hardwood floors.  I noticed that the jacks we had are smaller than today's version.  Introduce your children to this game.  I don't want the fun to end! By the way, my Mam-maw L always called them "jack rocks".

Playing Jacks

Take the jacks in both hands,
Shake them up and let them land,
Ball goes up, grab a jack,
Then catch the ball, you’ve got the knack,
Onesies, twosies, threesies, four,
Can you scoop up even more?
At tensies you must toss the ball,
Let it bounce, then scoop them all,
Catch the ball with your hand full,
Playing jacks is so old school!

Tammy Harvey  
written:  2/24/2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A Piece of History

I have a liking for old books.  When I say old, I mean mostly older than me. Now that's old!  I usually find them in the thrift stores.  The smell of a musty old book that hasn't been cracked open in years is exhilarating.  Call me crazy, but this poem reflects how I feel about it:

The Smell of Old Books

I love to smell the books of old,
A treasure to find; like nuggets of gold,
I search amongst the stacks and rows,
Where these books have been, heaven only knows,
The pages are so aged and turning brown,
I flip through them; can't put them down,
I want to collect them; a piece of history,
And what I might find is quite a mystery,
Inside an old book, once I found,
A handwritten letter tucked safe and sound,
It was written back 50 years ago,
From three sons to their parents, whom I do not know,
Break open an old book and discover the past,
You might find it's alive with memories that last,
The musty smell may not please your nose,
But to me it is like a vintage rose.

Tammy Harvey
written:  4/24/2016

Old letter dated November 23, 1966 found in a book called The Priceless Gift (love letters of Woodrow Wilson and Ellen Axson Wilson)  Edited by Eleanor Wilson McAdoo, their daughter, and published in 1962.
Another historical note: She married William Gibbs McAdoo, Secretary of the Treasury during her father's administration. 

Make it so

Creativity has been a part of my life most recently with the origination of this blog.  I have always had an awe of the creative spirit which inspired this poem:


Create a song, a melody, a tune,
Create a dance that twirls you 'round the room,
Create a mood, the kind that warms your heart,
Create a painting, a poem, a piece of art,
Create a vivid image in your mind,
Create a relationship, caring and kind,
Create harmony amid the hate,
Create a journey beyond the gate,
Create a bridge that spans the gap,
Create a destination beyond the map,
Create within you a positive spirit,
Create it and let others see it.

Tammy Harvey 
written:  5/25/2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016


So every now and again, I post a spiritual poem.  I hope that you will find it uplifting as you read:

The Hourglass

Our days are numbered, like grains of sand,
Ticking one by one like a secondhand,
Steadily falling through the hourglass,
Amount unknown, like blades of grass,
Some have many, while others have few,
It’s a mystery to solve, what do we do?
We make the best of every day,
We keep the faith, we smile, we pray,
We take what God has given us,
We live, we laugh; we hope and trust,
His mercies are new at every daybreak,
Great is His faithfulness; He does not forsake,
When the last grain falls and our work here is done,
Prepare to be in the arms of the Son.

Tammy Harvey
written: 1/31/2016 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My Wish for you

Today, Sept 20, is our oldest son's 28th Birthday! Yesterday on 9/19 was our youngest son's 22nd Birthday AND our daughter-in-law's 26th Birthday!!  In honor of all these birthdays, I am posting a poem written a few years ago that is fitting for this occasion:

IF Wishes…
If wishes were dishes, I’d give you a set,
If wishes were fishes, I’d buy you a net,
If wishes were stitches, I’d sew you a quilt,
If wishes were flowers, I’d not let them wilt,
There is no end to what I would do,
To grant abundant wishes on you,
If wishes were geese, I’d get you a gaggle,
If wishes were flea markets, I’d teach you to haggle, 
If wishes had itches, I’d scratch them for you,
There really is nothing I would not do,
If wishes had wings, you’d soar in the air,
If wishes were sweatpants, I’d loan you a pair,
If wishes were songs, I’d serenade you,
Okay, maybe that is not true,
But can you sort of get the gist,
I wish you wishes hand over fist,
Best wishes to you and to your kind,

Best wishes to good friends of mine,

 Tammy Harvey 
written:  6/14/14

Monday, September 19, 2016

In memory of III

A very close childhood friend of mine died suddenly one year ago today.  This poem is in his honor. Sam McCarty Murphy III.   March 8, 1962- Sept 19, 2015
He was a true outdoors man.

We Remember Him

As the beauty of nature is all around,
The memories of him can always be found,
We remember him during twilight hours,
When the sun rises up and there's dew on the flowers,
We remember him when the sun is high,
But the white fluffy clouds are low in the sky,
We remember him as the afternoon breeze,
Brings a fresh breath of air with the sway of the trees,
We remember him in the smallest of things,
From the rocks on the ground to the songbirds that sing,
Our thoughts of him will not stop,
Like the haze lingers up on the mountain top,
His memory lives where he found joy,
Ever since he was a boy,
As the beauty of nature is all around,
The memories of him can always be found.

Tammy Harvey  
written:  9/28/2015

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Snap, Crackle, Pop

Snap! Snap!
Puff of smoke; Igniting sticks,
Flames grow thick,
Crackle! Crackle!
Blazes higher,
Fire appearing; As desired,
Pop! Pop!
Logs are glowing,
Charred and crumbling; Black is showing,
Burn! Burn!
Burning lightly,
Once was ebbing; Now is slowing,
Stoke! Stoke!
Heat abounds,
Heat for those who gather round,
Smoke! Smoke!
Swirling high,
Clouds of smoke fill the sky,
Going! Going!
But at last,
Firewood burns up really fast,
Gone! Gone!
Barely smoldering,
Red embers on the ground,
That is all that can be found.

Tammy Harvey
written: 6/10/2014

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Adventure of a Lifetime

You Might Be in Minnesota
If you accepted an invite to the Gold Mine “Resort”,
And you took a plane then a car, ‘cause the trip was not short!
You might be in Minnesota.
If you’re eager to catch some Northern Pike,
And you traveled past the town of Buyck,
You might be in Minnesota!
If the bald eagle in flight makes your heart swell with pride,
And to reach your cabin is a 6-mile wilderness ride,
You might be in Minnesota!
If the closest small town is 30 miles away,
And you’re “unplugged” from the world for most of your stay,
You might be in Minnesota!
If the scampering of chipmunks gives you delight,
And there’s a good chance you’ll be viewing the Northern Lights,
You might be in Minnesota!
If the darkness at night is as black as coal,
And the silence and stillness refresh your soul,
You might be in Minnesota!
If the Vermillion falls is a sight to behold,
And you’re lodged at a place where they once mined for gold,
You might be in Minnesota!
If the bark of the birch trees is as white as snow,
And the local people end their sentences with “ya know?”
You might be in Minnesota!
If you love the outdoors and adventure calls,
And just to the north is International Falls,
You might be in Minnesota!
If you watch a sea plane take off from Crane Lake,
And pulling up the anchor has made your back ache,
You might be in Minnesota!
If the river is lined on both sides with rice grass,
And the guys that are there are catching Rock bass,
You might be in Minnesota!
If the fishermen gather each night for a meal,
And exchange the day’s stories, most of them real,
You ARE in Minnesota!
Tammy Harvey

Written at Gold Mine “Resort” on a brown paper grocery bag on 9/9/2016

Monday, September 12, 2016

Tiny but mighty

I can't tell you how much fun I had using a tiny little stove on our recent trip to a remote cabin in Minnesota! Or can I?...

The Little Stove that Could
We recently rented a cabin in the sticks,
The meals for us I had to fix,
The tiny white stove was circa “old”,
But it worked well and had no mold,
It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen,
Really small but really clean,
The Easy Bake oven came to mind,
The tiny oven was a one of a kind,
I had never cooked with gas before,
I carefully opened the tiny door,
It scarcely would hold a loaf of bread,
“I really like this”, was all I said,
The front right eye was my pick,
And it got very hot, oh so quick,
I boiled the water in the pot,
Spaghetti for dinner, like it or not,
Next day, we’d have grilled cheese,
Any excuse to use the stove, please,
The strangest thing that I did prepare,
Was a rock or two that I placed there,
In the oven to get nice and warm,
A “heating pad” in a primitive form,
It eased the back pain as it should,
The little stove that certainly could

Tammy Harvey
Written: 9/12/2016

I just returned from an adventurous trip to Minnesota where I experienced life in a remote and primitive cabin for a week. No phones, no internet, no television, but we did have running water and electricity, a rustic cabin but with a bathroom and shower, plus a small kitchen for cooking. It was peaceful and beautiful. The weather was perfect, and the fishing was fine.